It obvious you are all total philastines and fail to admit that the mighty skateboard just whoops the ass of BMXers with a dirty great stick. You obviously havent seen Powell Peralta 'Propaganda' or any other video of better stature. Im not saying BMXing isnt a skilfull sport, but to even compare it in the same breath to boarding is just LAUGHABLE!!!!!.
Yeah, we waxed candles on a few curbs and steps, boardslided a few street benches, chipped a few curbs, robbed a few gas pipes,scaffolding,plywood and 3"x 2"........etc...(lol)...... but at least we didnt let Bmx'ers trash the bloody things we built, nor ride roughshot down the pavement when you should legaly be on the road!. I hope you pay road tax for them things, you should do! lol.
Bmx'ers were a bloody menace on SKATEPARKS with thier dirty grrrt big contraptions - now a small, skateboard is much more elequant and equally as hard or harder to master as a BMX, but at least I could hop on a bus and into a shop for a can 'o' pop! lol.
What am I bothered about anyway?, I havent boarded for nigh on ten years! lol. Its an inbuilt thing skaters used to have that never leaves I reckon, to just dislike and mock the BMX pretenders *Cough* Amelie *Cough*
Nothing you can say will sway me on this, Sk8'ing rules, Bmx's suck.