Christmas tips

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Active member
Apr 11, 2006
im sure most people know this, but for those that dont there is a great thing for the kids on christmas eve on both google earth and maps where the kids track santa to see where abouts he has dropped off his gifts already :D


also on some places you can click on it and it gives a bit of a lesson on the place, then in the countdown village theres games and puzzles for the kids :thumbsup:

another little tip i never knew about is on sky tv, not sure if it has to be plus or on HD but at the menu bar at the top there is an optiopn called sky anytime and if you go on there, one of the channels is called winter warmer log fire, and hey presto its just a roaring log fire complete with crackling sound :cool:

finally and i dont know what this is on, but i was at a friends last night and one of the kids went on a site and typed in a few details, next thing she tells my young un that santa wants to talk to him on skype, and there he was saying my boys name asking if he has been good and telling him what gift he had asked for, and he was drawn in hook line and sinker :D

any other tips get them fired up here ;) :D i love it especially with having kids :D


Active member
Mar 21, 2005
Give the kids money as well as presents so the money goes further in the Christmas sales. My nephews and nieces seem just as happy with money anyway :thumbsup: :D

Perhaps too late for this Christmas now, but I find paying extra to get your presents professionally wrapped makes any gift look extra special:thumbsup: Amazon does a brilliant job:cool: