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Jan 9, 2004
I know I know don't mention it but my question is are you looking forward to Christmas this year ?

Some people love it and some just damn right dislike it so which one are you and why?

I have always loved it but to be honest have not had the best Christmas over the last couple of years through one thing or another but Im bloody well looking forward to this one what about you...????

Deleted member 6141


but in answer to your question. cant fooikin stand it tbh. folk spending money they aint got on cunts they dont like. a load of bollox imo :cry:


Active member
Mar 21, 2005
Yes mate, I love Christmas, always have and hopefully always will:cool:

I just hate the commercial aspect of it these days and seeing people with little money overspending, because of peer pressure or pressure from their kids :crazy:

If people got back to the simple values of Christmas then the world would be a far nicer place, instead of a 4-6 week mad rush to snap up the latest toys for their spoilt brat kids.

Northern Star

Staff member
May 10, 2004
On Cloud 9!!!
I do love Christmas but this year unfortunately things are a bit tight...the recession has hit us with one thing and another so we are having to make cut backs....

no pressies (im gonna bake some cakes and make some home cookies and choccies to hand to people)

Cant buy a real tree this yr so ill have to dig the fake one out of the loft.... still itll be a masterpiece

We are going to try and do other things to make it special this yr...spending quality time with each other, family and close friends and try and soak up some of the old traditions that they had in the bygone days... :thumbsup:

Northern Star

Staff member
May 10, 2004
On Cloud 9!!!
U are probs right there Jim, me and Al are gonna go into manchester on xmas eve and soak up the atmosphere - its not about the pressies - just looking forward to time with friends and family and them that matter :love:


New member
Nov 2, 2011
Ellesmere Port
Santa defo exists!

Christmas is awesome, i love it as much now as when i was a kid. :dummy:

I agree with northern star that prezzies arnt everything, think a lot of people get far too much now (my kids for starters, spoilt rotten!). Most of us have to much stuff anyway.

I wanted Crossfire and mousetrap for xmas 78, did i get em, did i fuck!
Did it do me any harm, no I hardly mention it now!!!!!! :cry:

Cant go wrong with christmas though, prezzies or not, its best time of year.:D


New member
Nov 2, 2011
Ellesmere Port
Thats nothing compared to the prezzies i never got in 79! Is a millenium falcon too much to ask for? Ovo yes, cos i never got it!:S

Got a spirograph instead, worst prezzie ever!!!:(

My best mate got a Tin Can Alley that year, spoilt bastard!

Ahhh but they were happy days really! Kids get everything now and don't even know they have got half of it.


Active member
Mar 21, 2005
There was a lot of real hardship for some families when we were kids though. Jumble sales were common and people were always popping round to our house to ''borrow'' coal. Maybe your parents gave you what you actually needed and not what you didn't:thumbsup:

I know I was loved by my parents when I was a kid and that was better than any material gift I could ever have wanted.

Christmas was a magical time for all the family and despite some years getting a bounty of presents, some years were barren by comparison as nobody had any real money due to a recession and high inflation. We always appreciated what we got though:thumbsup:

Northern Star

Staff member
May 10, 2004
On Cloud 9!!!
Thats nothing compared to the prezzies i never got in 79! Is a millenium falcon too much to ask for? Ovo yes, cos i never got it!:S

Got a spirograph instead, worst prezzie ever!!!:(

My best mate got a Tin Can Alley that year, spoilt bastard!

Ahhh but they were happy days really! Kids get everything now and don't even know they have got half of it.

Too funny :rofl: dont suppose u remember what you didnt get in 1980 either :p


Jan 9, 2004
Yes I deffo love christmas and yes im more of a its not about the presents and its more about where you go and what you do I.E seing old friends and going to places that remind you of the past...

Baking cakes sounds ace and I will be deffo doing something that reminds me when I was a kid like making me own decoration remember that blue peter coat hanger candle thing hmm safety was not a worry when I was a kid lol...

I always try to make a visit up to Chester not the zoo by the way, I just like walking around the old town centre looks like something from a christmas card when it snows proper Christmasy if you get me.

Thanks for your honesty slaggy BAH HUMBUG ...:hubba: :hubba:

I was asked what I wanted for Christmas the other day and I just said I want to be Happy and erm a lottery win to make me it hahaha....:thumbsup:

Tin can alley fooking spoilt fooker I wanted that aswell I got sterilized milk in me tea that year and im still drinking it now hahaha...

ste huxley

Active member
Jul 17, 2001
Planet E
I love christmas only for the kids and other loved ones that you buy for, but the 800 quid I approx spend hurts me pocket cos lets face it I could be buying tunes with that haha:D

I do think kids get to much tho:fekked:

The other thing I love is the food and lest we not forget the copious amount of drink consumed, well its just like a normal week in our house but with a christmassy edge:$

What I jolly well hate about it, is the commercialism of it all, from the retailers, reminding you that its christmas in 6 months time so dont forget to buy shit loads of stuff you dont need from us, yay:crazy:

But all in all, its a magical time for the kids and I get pleasure from giving, and if I get a bit harrumph about it at some stage of the crimbo period, I just have another large glass of spirits then all is good in the world, ahhh;)
i used to hate xmass before we had kids but now i love it to bits, last year we got the kids rain dear fairy dust, cost £1 and the kids have been going on at us for weeks about getting more this year coz Santas dear will be really hungry :) :) :) i do agree that kids get far to much, they ask for things like a lap-top, or a mobile phone which in my house they have no chance of getting till they are older :mad: :mad: :mad: but there is nothing like the look on your kids face on xmass morning, it makes putting up with the shit they put you thru all year worth while.... ;) ;) ;) ;)


Oct 10, 2007
im not the biggest lover of crimbo never have been thats why ive been away the last 3-4 years but this year will be diffrent as ive got a special person in me life so hopefully i will enjoy been in the uk :love: and will be going to see loads of peeps i know over xmas time


VIP Silver Member
Jan 22, 2006
St Helens
Crimbo is great,ya get a excuse to get pissed through the week,ya get time off work,ya get crimbo bonus from work as well as tips.Ya get a present which is nice and the t.v is usually better.I wish it could be crimbo everyday.:)


New member
Nov 2, 2011
Ellesmere Port

i did alright at xmas really when i was a kid, sure there was a lot who did worse than me matey. Everyone wanted the best prezzies going though but only the lucky few got em. Sure there were kids who would have loved Spirograph and they could av ad mine cos it was shite! ;)


Active member
Apr 11, 2006
i love it and always have. :love: im not in the slightest bit religious, but i just like the buzz off it all, but not too early :naughty: (saying that we have got most of our shopping sorted) but i dont like to see decorations up in shops and tv adverts, 2 week before is a good start for festivities, but for me i still like the magic of it, i think its just the memories, i remember how i used to look at my nannas pop up cardboard christmas crib on top of her telly, and remember when i got a ghost train game and one year a plastic sledge with a brake on :cool: then when i got older i remember knocking off from work and going straight to the pub with my tenner and card of the boss everyone jolly, then getting a little too pissed and spending too much on the missues in the shops between pubs on christmas eve, and later Ewood mills :fekked: phones: and now i love going to the Christmas markets, last year 4 days before crimbo, me and the wife was at one of those German christmas market things in York, supping mulled wine it was belting down with snow and there was a choir singing christmas songs and we both agreed it doesn't get much more festive than this, then went wined up outdoor ice skating :eek: and now i have my own kids the magic is still alive, my eldest 2 girls know the crack and want money for clothes :( but my lad 6yr still belives and will be writing his letter and will be tracking santa on the web all christmas eve, leaving his port out for dad, i mean santa. (the santa that comes here aint a big fan of sherry) and yes he has been spoilt rotten, but i cannot wait to see his face when he opens some of the stuff he doesn't think santa is bringing.

so my answer to the question is, its ok a suppose :D
i will admit to prob spending too much on the kids,but the most important thing is our family getting together, we will go to the pub christmas day and have a few drinks and some friends will come along as well as my mum and Jemmas mum and dad and it will just be a jolly occasion, usually taking the piss out of each others new jumpers :| then a mad anything goes party on boxing day.

this song really sums it up for me though, its quality :love:

[ame=]White Wine In The Sun by Tim Minchin - YouTube[/ame]

Deleted member 6141

T'was the night before christmas
And all through the house
Everything was quiet
Even the mouse
With Dad at the brothel
And mum with uncle frank
I settled down
For a nice long wank
Outside in the garden
I heard a right clatter
I let go of my cock
To See what was the matter
Out on the lawn
A big rubber dick
I knew right away
It was ol' saint nick
He came down the chimney
Like a bat out of hell
The big fat fucker
I think he fell
He left me some vodka
And a barrel of beer
And a big rubber cock
For my brother, the queer
He flew up the chimney
With a thunderous fart
The big fat ****
Blew the house apart
He swore and he cursed
As he rode out of sight
Saying ill be back next year
Have a **** of a night!