i love it and always have.
im not in the slightest bit religious, but i just like the buzz off it all, but not too early
(saying that we have got most of our shopping sorted) but i dont like to see decorations up in shops and tv adverts, 2 week before is a good start for festivities, but for me i still like the magic of it, i think its just the memories, i remember how i used to look at my nannas pop up cardboard christmas crib on top of her telly, and remember when i got a ghost train game and one year a plastic sledge with a brake on
then when i got older i remember knocking off from work and going straight to the pub with my tenner and card of the boss everyone jolly, then getting a little too pissed and spending too much on the missues in the shops between pubs on christmas eve, and later Ewood mills
phones: and now i love going to the Christmas markets, last year 4 days before crimbo, me and the wife was at one of those German christmas market things in York, supping mulled wine it was belting down with snow and there was a choir singing christmas songs and we both agreed it doesn't get much more festive than this, then went wined up outdoor ice skating
and now i have my own kids the magic is still alive, my eldest 2 girls know the crack and want money for clothes
but my lad 6yr still belives and will be writing his letter and will be tracking santa on the web all christmas eve, leaving his port out for dad, i mean santa. (the santa that comes here aint a big fan of sherry) and yes he has been spoilt rotten, but i cannot wait to see his face when he opens some of the stuff he doesn't think santa is bringing.
so my answer to the question is, its ok a suppose
i will admit to prob spending too much on the kids,but the most important thing is our family getting together, we will go to the pub christmas day and have a few drinks and some friends will come along as well as my mum and Jemmas mum and dad and it will just be a jolly occasion, usually taking the piss out of each others new jumpers :| then a mad anything goes party on boxing day.
this song really sums it up for me though, its quality
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCNvZqpa-7Q]White Wine In The Sun by Tim Minchin - YouTube[/ame]