Collared Dove

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New member
Nov 6, 2006
Is it legal to shoot a collared dove in your own garden?

Found this:
"A number of methods of killing, injuring or taking birds are prohibited. These include gins, springs, traps leg pole traps), snares, nets, bird lime, electrical scaring devices and poisonous or stupefying substances; bows or crossbows, explosives (other than firearm ammunition), any gas or smoke, chemical wetting agent, artificial light, mirror or dazzling device, device for illuminating target or sighting device for night shooting, automatic or semi-automatic weapon (unless it is incapable of holding more than 2 rounds in the magazine), or shotgun with an internal diameter at muzzle more than 1 3/4 inches."

"It is illegal to:
Carry a loaded or unloaded airgun or imitation firearm in a public place without lawful authority or reasonable excuse.
Kill or injure any bird or animal protected by law unless you are authorised to do so under the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981. "

I take it gins a type of trap n not a typo?

I've not slept past 4.45am for nearly 4week now - enough is enough:mad:

Any other method of getting the thing not to come in my garden each morn (or coo COOO coo OFF)??
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Sheikh Yerbouti

New member
Jan 4, 2008
Some**** Somewhere in Summertime
They keep the pigeons and such away from all the buildings round here by getting some bloke in about once a month with a trained hawk :love: :cool:

He wears one of them proper thick leather full-arm gloves & it'll just sit there on the back of his hand with it's little hood on. Every now and again he'll remove the hood and it'll have a look about and get it's bearings for a few seconds and then it's away flying around the rooftops of the buildings for a minute or two before landing back on his hand again.

It's an amazing bird, tame as you like, when the bloke's there with it you can walk up right close to it and stroke it's feathers and that. He'll sometimes nip off for a fag & leave it perched on the railings outside the LSE building. I must admit it shat me up the first time I saw it... walking in to the office through the centre of London at 7am and there's this hawk just sat there on the rails minding it's own business.

Apparenly once the pigeons clock it a few times, they think it must live there and that's it they just bugger off never to return.