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Active member
Sep 6, 2001
north west london
i want someone to tell me their day is worse than mine to cheer me up.

For some reason I have a virus that nobody else in the world seems to have heard of or know of.
It has deleted 6000 emails and lots of my contact details. Whenever new mail comes in it automatically seems to delete it. So i left for work really depressed only to get in to find that there was tons to do and then a colleague told me they have had sneak preview of rota and I am down to work on xmas day. What fun!!! Don't even know if I can get in on xmas day. So there shall be lots of fights and arguments coming up no doubt :(

Northern Star

Staff member
May 10, 2004
On Cloud 9!!!
Awww Nath....soz to hear you had a crappy day huns! :(

Hope things get better soon ! :thumbsup:

At least we are not starving in a third world country and we have full use of our faculties! Always helps me to think of those less fortunate than ourselves in times of trouble! :wave: :love: