was listening to bit machine - somebody real in the car today and thought i heard her......
"I'll even do it in the snow.........."
Made me think , arent some of the italian songs lyrics crap..
make no sense at all sometimes...
such as s moore - touch me......."time to open your golden gate !"""
Wtf ?!"?!?!?!?! lol
so c'mon guys , you must have favs . better examples ,,id love to hear em
was listening to bit machine - somebody real in the car today and thought i heard her......
"I'll even do it in the snow.........."
Made me think , arent some of the italian songs lyrics crap..
make no sense at all sometimes...
such as s moore - touch me......."time to open your golden gate !"""
Wtf ?!"?!?!?!?! lol
so c'mon guys , you must have favs . better examples ,,id love to hear em