Do you have a Phobia

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Active member
Jul 9, 2002
My mum has a pure phobia of moths. Think that's probably why I developed a dislike of them. But I just don't like, I'm not petrified of them.

Used to know a lad who had a phobia of cotton wool, lol

i love shoes

My mum has a pure phobia of moths. Think that's probably why I developed a dislike of them. But I just don't like, I'm not petrified of them.


An old pal had such a phobia of moths that when giving birth the only reason she went mad on the gas and air was cos a moth was in the room! lol

Wouldn't call it a phobia as such but the only thing that get's me raging is flies! You have wings its a big world and your not a fussy eater! so why the hell pester me and my dinner!? If i had wings i would certainly be off doing better things!!

(the post came to light in the end Tim! lol)


New member
Sep 14, 2007
My mum has a pure phobia of moths. Think that's probably why I developed a dislike of them. But I just don't like, I'm not petrified of them.

Used to know a lad who had a phobia of cotton wool, lol

My mate's scared of moths and butterflies too. I don't really have a phobia as such, I HATE spiders and they freak me out but I wouldn't go as far as to it a phobia.

Come on is that guy with the peaches for real :confused: That's well over the top! I understand that phobias are totally irrational and people feel they have no control over it. But to see peaches on a screen and run a mile ffs! I suppose it doesn't really matter what the phobia is, I just can't understand why anyone would fear a fruit, but to run like that when the image of your phobia is on a screen??? I personally think that's completely exaggerated for the cameras.
I've seen the effect phobias can have on people and I've never seen a reaction like that. My Mum has a really bad phobia of snakes and she has to turn over if one comes on TV but she's never done anything crazy like that guy!


Active member
Sep 2, 2003
Dysfunction Junction

In fact, I ran into the back of someone at the lights last week because a spider was on my steering wheel and dropped into my lap and I spazzed out :cry: :mad: :(

cant be as bad as this guy he has a phobia of PEACHES PMSL

bet its the hairyness :D people seem to think its weird. I think its kinda cute :D but its easier to buy nectarines instead to stop this being an issue for anyone :D

Used to know a lad who had a phobia of cotton wool, lol

I dont like the stuff much tbh, but it forms part of the same phobia I have of Candyfloss, as does wire wool. Its the texture / sound of it tearing apart I cant bear :hurl: :shudder:
Can use cotton wool balls, as theyre ready shaped, but couldnt bring myself to buy a roll and tear bits off, arrgh no way.

I put some in my ears once when I had neighbour noise problems but the sound if it swishing about (if thats even a good description) made me want to heave and had to take it out :$ :|
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VIP Silver Member
May 6, 2008
Top ten wierdest Phobias PMSL at some of em

1. Ablutophobia: Fear of washing or bathing
2. Aerophobia: Fear of swallowing air :confused:
3. Ambulophobia: Fear of walking :cry:
4. Anablephobia: Fear of looking up :eek:
5. Anemophobia: Fear of wind
6. Anthrophobia: Fear of flowers
7. Arachibutyrophobia: Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.
8. Arithmophobia: Fear of numbers
9. Aulophobia: Fear of flutes
10. Auroraphobia: Fear of Northern Lights



Active member
Sep 2, 2003
Dysfunction Junction
Top ten wierdest Phobias PMSL at some of em

1. Ablutophobia: Fear of washing or bathing
2. Aerophobia: Fear of swallowing air :confused:
3. Ambulophobia: Fear of walking :cry:
4. Anablephobia: Fear of looking up :eek:
5. Anemophobia: Fear of wind
6. Anthrophobia: Fear of flowers
7. Arachibutyrophobia: Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.
8. Arithmophobia: Fear of numbers
9. Aulophobia: Fear of flutes
10. Auroraphobia: Fear of Northern Lights


pmsl, you'd be fooked if you had number 2 :D


Active member
Sep 2, 2003
Dysfunction Junction

just watched that. Aww bless him, found that pretty cruel, felt sorry for him :( especially with them all jeering and laughing at him
I know its daft, but thats the whole thing about a proper phobia, its an irrational fear and such intense distress and fear has got to one of the most horrible feelings ever, even if it is sparked by something ridiculous! :D

I'm a complete wreck when I have to have a blood test, because of my vein phobia. In fact its only this year I have been able to even have one at all (go me! haha) :weightlift: but when I do i'm a shaking , sobbing, hyperventilating wreck and I tell ya, i'm miles from finding it funny then :naughty: I actually feel completely humilated that I react like that too and that makes me cry more. (lol, yes I know i'm a twat) :$ but its horrible, really horrible


New member
Apr 24, 2006
where ever i lay my hat ( straw one )
but when I do i'm a shaking , sobbing, hyperventilating wreck and I tell ya, i'm miles from finding it funny then :naughty: I actually feel completely humilated that I react like that too and that makes me cry more. (lol, yes I know i'm a twat) :$ but its horrible, really horrible

Reading that has just made me feel loads better , not in a horrid way! my fear is bieng put to sleep and until now ive been lucky , had to go to the hospital on monday for tests and shite and as soon as they mentioned the procedure and bieng put to sleep i literally did all that you mentioned , couldnt stop shaking and felt like a proper twat :$ god its even made me fill up just writing that.


Active member
Jul 9, 2002
Reading that has just made me feel loads better , not in a horrid way! my fear is bieng put to sleep and until now ive been lucky , had to go to the hospital on monday for tests and shite and as soon as they mentioned the procedure and bieng put to sleep i literally did all that you mentioned , couldnt stop shaking and felt like a proper twat :$ god its even made me fill up just writing that.

Can you not just knock yourself out on cider and 20/20 like you normally do? ;)


Active member
Sep 2, 2003
Dysfunction Junction
Reading that has just made me feel loads better , not in a horrid way! my fear is bieng put to sleep and until now ive been lucky , had to go to the hospital on monday for tests and shite and as soon as they mentioned the procedure and bieng put to sleep i literally did all that you mentioned , couldnt stop shaking and felt like a proper twat :$ god its even made me fill up just writing that.

shite isnt it? that kind of sickening fright is awful. i'm a panicking gibbering wreck as soon as i go into the room, before they even do anything!
makes me feel wiped out for most of the day afterwards too :S

suppose the only consolation with yours is that you hopefully wont need to have it done very often in life..phew!

they offered to refer me to a psychotherapist about it once, because they said they'd never seen anyone so distressed and because i was making it dangerous for them to take the blood as i was wriggling about trying to get away so much

when they do it now, its a 2-person job, as I have to be held down , that itself probably doesnt help the fear but its the only way they can get any out without me thrashing about and injuring myself or someone else :S

they usually assume its the blood or needle i'm scared of... they look at me like im nuts when i tell them its veins :axe: :$


VIP Silver Member
Nov 30, 2007
bootle liverpool
I don't have any myself but my Aunties boyfriend has a bad phobia of balloons!! Which is great cos hes a bad perv and he can never come to family parties incase there are I make sure there are loads for Uncle Knobhead lol..Happy Days..:thumbsup:


New member
Apr 24, 2006
where ever i lay my hat ( straw one )
shite isnt it? that kind of sickening fright is awful. i'm a panicking gibbering wreck as soon as i go into the room, before they even do anything!
makes me feel wiped out for most of the day afterwards too :S

suppose the only consolation with yours is that you hopefully wont need to have it done very often in life..phew!

they offered to refer me to a psychotherapist about it once, because they said they'd never seen anyone so distressed and because i was making it dangerous for them to take the blood as i was wriggling about trying to get away so much

when they do it now, its a 2-person job, as I have to be held down , that itself probably doesnt help the fear but its the only way they can get any out without me thrashing about and injuring myself or someone else :S

they usually assume its the blood or needle i'm scared of... they look at me like im nuts when i tell them its veins :axe: :$

It must be awfull for you TC , like you said i wont have to deal with mine ( all bien well ) that often , to be honest i thought i had a phobia of certain stuff and i turns out i must just be scared of them because ive never got that worked over anything before and its scared me :$


Active member
Sep 2, 2003
Dysfunction Junction
It must be awfull for you TC , like you said i wont have to deal with mine ( all bien well ) that often , to be honest i thought i had a phobia of certain stuff and i turns out i must just be scared of them because ive never got that worked over anything before and its scared me :$

was like it the 1st (and only!) time I encountered a tarantula too, lets hope it was the last :naughty:
made a complete fool of myself in front of loads of people that day :shudder: :$