I think there may be something to relating having lost your cherry at a very young age and having a child in your early 20's, for after all, if you lost it at 13 or 14 you are likely to have been more sexually active and in more serious relationships in the space of ten years and playing the role of an adult, other than somebody who was a later starter and didnt lose it until thier late teens or early 20's.
Lets make it clear, Im not generalising, or making out out that a lot of children born are solely the products of underage sex etc, or that there is anything wrong with having children young or any slurr on chracaters etc.
, just querieing the basis of a link.
I think most times, even 'accidental' children are a blessing, and only a heartless person would vindicate blame on the child for being born. I dont think that its necessarily everyones "right" to have children, or that everybody is fit to be a parent.
I have seen numerous accounts of mothers chastising, slapping, and swearing like a bloody navy (to the point I even blush)..... such as "come here you fucking little shit, youre not getting a fucking toy yet, its not fucking christmass, either stop your bloody balling or you know what will happen...." then walking away and leaving the child behind whilst pushing another pram in one hand and smoking weed in the other and saying something along the lines of "we should never have had so and so, if it want for such and such Id have got rid" to thier freind whose helping carry a stash of cut price Strongbow to the car or down an escalator or whatever.
Poeple like this make me sick and should not be allowed to have children. Ofcourse they may look after the child, and may even love it more than anything, but that approach I do find quite distasteful.
A child whether acidental or planned should be wanted 100% I reckon, and early to middle twenties is an ideal time to have them I think, and also up into the 30's so that the child can have a good quality of life with active parents, and also be able to spend quality time with them during what remains of the parents life span. For example Des O Connor at 70 odd fathering a child seems quite wrong to me, because he will be 80 odd by the time the child is 10 (if he is still alive), and they wont get to know thier dad properly etc and do 'dad' type thigs like play in the park and go sledging and stuff, which in my opinion makes a good childhood. Ofcourse Des could be an excellent dad, but I do find it a bit odd, and could never imaging my dad being 80 when I was a kid.
I dont have children, as you can gather, so I may have a strange outlook to others and others that do have children. I havent been in a relationship where children have been discussed, or been in a situation where pregnancy has ocurred unplaned, but with my brother just recently becoming a father at just three years older than me, you do tend to think "holy crap, Im nearly 30 soon, I really need to think seriously about whether I want children and how the hell Im going to sort my life out to achieve that with somebody I love".
I must agree with nathan that its strange for contraception to be not advertised more - however I remember seeing adverts only a few months ago where a womans face was just in shot, heated, smiling and panting, and that was for condoms. I think it may have been channel five or ITV2 though and not the main 4 chanels.
I think that children are a blessing, and that its a love that hold no boundaries, they depend on you so much and you have a big responsibility to them for the rest of you life.
I dont know what Im on about really, lol, just mad friday ramblings. If I ever have children I'll respond better. :|
Lets make it clear, Im not generalising, or making out out that a lot of children born are solely the products of underage sex etc, or that there is anything wrong with having children young or any slurr on chracaters etc.
I think most times, even 'accidental' children are a blessing, and only a heartless person would vindicate blame on the child for being born. I dont think that its necessarily everyones "right" to have children, or that everybody is fit to be a parent.
I have seen numerous accounts of mothers chastising, slapping, and swearing like a bloody navy (to the point I even blush)..... such as "come here you fucking little shit, youre not getting a fucking toy yet, its not fucking christmass, either stop your bloody balling or you know what will happen...." then walking away and leaving the child behind whilst pushing another pram in one hand and smoking weed in the other and saying something along the lines of "we should never have had so and so, if it want for such and such Id have got rid" to thier freind whose helping carry a stash of cut price Strongbow to the car or down an escalator or whatever.
Poeple like this make me sick and should not be allowed to have children. Ofcourse they may look after the child, and may even love it more than anything, but that approach I do find quite distasteful.
A child whether acidental or planned should be wanted 100% I reckon, and early to middle twenties is an ideal time to have them I think, and also up into the 30's so that the child can have a good quality of life with active parents, and also be able to spend quality time with them during what remains of the parents life span. For example Des O Connor at 70 odd fathering a child seems quite wrong to me, because he will be 80 odd by the time the child is 10 (if he is still alive), and they wont get to know thier dad properly etc and do 'dad' type thigs like play in the park and go sledging and stuff, which in my opinion makes a good childhood. Ofcourse Des could be an excellent dad, but I do find it a bit odd, and could never imaging my dad being 80 when I was a kid.
I dont have children, as you can gather, so I may have a strange outlook to others and others that do have children. I havent been in a relationship where children have been discussed, or been in a situation where pregnancy has ocurred unplaned, but with my brother just recently becoming a father at just three years older than me, you do tend to think "holy crap, Im nearly 30 soon, I really need to think seriously about whether I want children and how the hell Im going to sort my life out to achieve that with somebody I love".
I must agree with nathan that its strange for contraception to be not advertised more - however I remember seeing adverts only a few months ago where a womans face was just in shot, heated, smiling and panting, and that was for condoms. I think it may have been channel five or ITV2 though and not the main 4 chanels.
I think that children are a blessing, and that its a love that hold no boundaries, they depend on you so much and you have a big responsibility to them for the rest of you life.
I dont know what Im on about really, lol, just mad friday ramblings. If I ever have children I'll respond better. :|