do you have kids?

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Do you have children?

  • Yes. I thought i was in a stable enough relationship and mature enough to cope

    Votes: 14 11.6%
  • Yes I do although I cannot say they were planned !!!!

    Votes: 18 14.9%
  • Yes I do and I am still with the mother/father.

    Votes: 32 26.4%
  • No I have no children at present

    Votes: 57 47.1%

  • Total voters


Registered Member
Dec 28, 2001
I think there may be something to relating having lost your cherry at a very young age and having a child in your early 20's, for after all, if you lost it at 13 or 14 you are likely to have been more sexually active and in more serious relationships in the space of ten years and playing the role of an adult, other than somebody who was a later starter and didnt lose it until thier late teens or early 20's.

Lets make it clear, Im not generalising, or making out out that a lot of children born are solely the products of underage sex etc, or that there is anything wrong with having children young or any slurr on chracaters etc. :eek: , just querieing the basis of a link.

I think most times, even 'accidental' children are a blessing, and only a heartless person would vindicate blame on the child for being born. I dont think that its necessarily everyones "right" to have children, or that everybody is fit to be a parent.

I have seen numerous accounts of mothers chastising, slapping, and swearing like a bloody navy (to the point I even blush)..... such as "come here you fucking little shit, youre not getting a fucking toy yet, its not fucking christmass, either stop your bloody balling or you know what will happen...." then walking away and leaving the child behind whilst pushing another pram in one hand and smoking weed in the other and saying something along the lines of "we should never have had so and so, if it want for such and such Id have got rid" to thier freind whose helping carry a stash of cut price Strongbow to the car or down an escalator or whatever.
Poeple like this make me sick and should not be allowed to have children. Ofcourse they may look after the child, and may even love it more than anything, but that approach I do find quite distasteful.

A child whether acidental or planned should be wanted 100% I reckon, and early to middle twenties is an ideal time to have them I think, and also up into the 30's so that the child can have a good quality of life with active parents, and also be able to spend quality time with them during what remains of the parents life span. For example Des O Connor at 70 odd fathering a child seems quite wrong to me, because he will be 80 odd by the time the child is 10 (if he is still alive), and they wont get to know thier dad properly etc and do 'dad' type thigs like play in the park and go sledging and stuff, which in my opinion makes a good childhood. Ofcourse Des could be an excellent dad, but I do find it a bit odd, and could never imaging my dad being 80 when I was a kid.

I dont have children, as you can gather, so I may have a strange outlook to others and others that do have children. I havent been in a relationship where children have been discussed, or been in a situation where pregnancy has ocurred unplaned, but with my brother just recently becoming a father at just three years older than me, you do tend to think "holy crap, Im nearly 30 soon, I really need to think seriously about whether I want children and how the hell Im going to sort my life out to achieve that with somebody I love".

I must agree with nathan that its strange for contraception to be not advertised more - however I remember seeing adverts only a few months ago where a womans face was just in shot, heated, smiling and panting, and that was for condoms. I think it may have been channel five or ITV2 though and not the main 4 chanels.

I think that children are a blessing, and that its a love that hold no boundaries, they depend on you so much and you have a big responsibility to them for the rest of you life.

I dont know what Im on about really, lol, just mad friday ramblings. If I ever have children I'll respond better. :|



Active member
Sep 6, 2001
north west london
oh valentine

XValentinadobeX said:
not even going to answer this one nathan sounds to me like ur trying to make a link between those who've had sex at early age and those who r single parents.
miss tickle yet again u have my agreement :thumbsup:

I'm pretty good mates with tickle and she was only winding me up. blimey. I wasn't saying theres a link about anything. I love to have kids. I honestly can't wait. My girlfriend feels she is too young and i agree and respect that. Take care folks. I'm off to paris to see her
:love: :love: :love: au-revoir
sirius said:
I think most times, even 'accidental' children are a blessing, and only a heartless person would vindicate blame on the child for being born. I dont think that its necessarily everyones "right" to have children, or that everybody is fit to be a parent.

I have seen numerous accounts of mothers chastising, slapping, and swearing like a bloody navy (to the point I even blush)..... such as "come here you fucking little shit, youre not getting a fucking toy yet, its not fucking christmass, either stop your bloody balling or you know what will happen...." then walking away and leaving the child behind whilst pushing another pram in one hand and smoking weed in the other and saying something along the lines of "we should never have had so and so, if it want for such and such Id have got rid" to thier freind whose helping carry a stash of cut price Strongbow to the car or down an escalator or whatever.
Poeple like this make me sick and should not be allowed to have children. Ofcourse they may look after the child, and may even love it more than anything, but that approach I do find quite distasteful.

A child whether acidental or planned should be wanted 100% I reckon...

....I think that children are a blessing, and that its a love that hold no boundaries, they depend on you so much and you have a big responsibility to them for the rest of you life.


absolutely 100% how I feel mate :thumbsup:

lol I too have no kids but look forward to the day when there are little Shoomadoodies & Shoomadooritas that I can pass on my experiences & love to & hopefully raise them to be a credit to this planet of ours :D


New member
Feb 17, 2003
London Taan
Armando Needlefluff said:
Those car stickers are to warn the people that there are kids in the car.
i would'nt expect you to understand yet but you will when you have a kiddiwinkle of your own. You get a very strong urge to over protect you kids especially when their very young. You try to do everything in your power to stop anything bad happening to them or around them.
You get a horrible feeling in your guts even thinking about what could happen if somebody crashed in to ya with the baby in the car. its just like a little extra to make parents feel a bit better.

And in answer to nath's question ive got two step kids and one of my own it seemed the natural progression after getting married best thing i ever did lol having kids is amazing.

So the stickers are for the Parents then? to make parents feel better?

Everything I write on this BB should be taken with a very large pinch of salt mate. Butty can I have a sticky pls? :D It was a joke mate - not meaning to cause offence to anyone who has a 'Baby on board' car sticker.

I'm sure I would/will feel different when and if I ever have a little nipper of my own.




New member
Dec 31, 2003
Got 2 kids with my partner of 17 years. Niether planned or accidental, just knew we were runnin the gaunlet and when it happened were overjoyed.
I was 22 and she was 20 and i have never regreted single moment and never will. Alot of my friends are havin kids now in their 30's and my oldest is nearly a teenager lol

Fully agree with Sirius comments earlier-doesnt matter how when or why just as long as they are wanted. :thumbsup:


New member
May 13, 2002
Over the hill in St Helens
ive got 3 kids, all boys.......i had my first one when i was 17 (unplanned of course) and stayed with his dad for 4 and a half years, we just grew apart we were far to young, he was still acting like a kid and i had had to grow up very fast, i have never regretted having him so young and today he is 17 and makes me very proud, i dont think i would be to chuffed though if he came home and told me he had got someone pregnant (arrrggh a granny at 34 could you just imagine it!) i met somebody else six months later. my second lad i had when i was 25 and he was very much planned (i had a 2 miscarraiges before i got pregnant with him so he was very much longed for) i thought me and his dad would last.........well it did for 4 and a half years again and then i found out he was seeing someone else when the baby was six months old so here i was again a single mother .......not to worry! then six months later i met armando and we were together for 6 years and then got married ( we have been married for 2) we started trying for a baby just after we got married, but then i had another miscarraige.........but after 5 months i got pregnant again and had little charlie in march........anyway now ive told you my whole life story so im off before you all fall asleep.......... :D
Wolfy said:
So the stickers are for the Parents then? to make parents feel better?

Everything I write on this BB should be taken with a very large pinch of salt mate. Butty can I have a sticky pls? :D It was a joke mate - not meaning to cause offence to anyone who has a 'Baby on board' car sticker.

I'm sure I would/will feel different when and if I ever have a little nipper of my own.



Didnt take any offence bud just tryin to explain.
ill not bother next time :D


New member
Apr 2, 2004
upgraded to Didsbury!
nathan said:
I'm pretty good mates with tickle and she was only winding me up. blimey. I wasn't saying theres a link about anything. I love to have kids. I honestly can't wait. My girlfriend feels she is too young and i agree and respect that. Take care folks. I'm off to paris to see her
:love: :love: :love: au-revoir

lol I might be your friend, but i still meant it bitch :p ;)

Hope you're having fun in Old Pari :love:

Dj M Jaxx

New member
Oct 12, 2001
Being a chap of much experience in this field, I think I can add light to this topic lol

I am 33 and have a daughter... Yasmin who is 10 years old

What can I say about Yasmin apart from she is wonderful, amazing, strong, kind hearted, wise, stunningly beautiful, full of life, very creative, a fantastic dancer, and the best thing that as ever happened in my life.....

She was an unplanned child, I was just twenty two, when I planted my seed (for want of a better word lol) and her Mother Angie was just Seventeen.

Our relationship lasted 10 years, and was a very happy one for the first 4 years. For some reason, perhaps it was a battle for control in our relationship, things started to go horrible wrong, and we tried to make it work for the next 4 years by uprooting, and starting a life in London.

For a year things got better, but then the same old "Control" mind trap raised its ugly head again, which ended up in me losing my wife and daughter, as they moved 200 miles back up North

This is a very difficult time for or woman to be that far away from there child.....and will put a lot of stress on a child’s mind. It also gave me a lot of thinking time, on how to re-evaluate my life on the question "What is really important in my life". In the past I had been so caught up in staying with my then partner for the sake of making a happy home for Yasmin, that I did not realise we where both making life much harder for her by staying together and arguing all the time. This may be easy for someone who has not been through this situation to understand why....but when you are blinded by this sort of thing, it is very easy to kid yourself you are happy

Anyway....I have since moved back up North so I can be closer to Yasmin, and have spent the past year now trying to put right some wrongs, and I have learnt that, to be a Father you must also be that persons friend...anything I do in my life will always be shared with her....if I have my friends around....she will be part of that....My work as a chef....she will spend time in the kitchen cooking with me, My love for music...I teach her how to mix and use the decks and music programs on my computer. Basically what I am saying is....I make Yasmin part of my life.....not an object.

I hold my hand up, and say "I am not the best dad in the world by far" but what I do say is the secret to being a good parent is not giving presents to children to make them happy for a is being present at every moment in there growing life that and also building there character and strengths so that they grow to be a confident and happy people.

I’m very lucky I have so many good friends, and special people in my life that have also been a big influence on Yasmin, and also helped give her certain moments in her life that she has all know who you are...thank you

So in answer to your question Nathan...Yes being a parent at a young age can work, and being a single parent makes no different what so ever....If you love that child like shabba said.....with a love that is second to non...then you will find a way to both be happy

My ex wife and I have now done a lot of growing up, and even though we have a lot of pain between us, we always make sure that on Yasmins Birthday....we spend it together, as a family. This is IMO is the best present we could ever give her.


Active member
Jun 7, 2002
milenko/ said:
Yes i have a two year old boy,he wasnt planned and me and his mum are not together any more id tellyou all but its a bit of a downer(i dont get to see Brendan very often)and i wanna kill her new squeeze not out of jealosey but because its his fault she wont let me see my son. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: I totally agree with fathers for justice some women can be evil bitches at times

Im in the same boat as you Milenko, I have a son who's now 7, n I no longer get to see him. Its a long story, which I do not want to get into deeply.
Shes twisted mi little lads head into not likin me, I could of done the same, but I dont need to sink down to her level. Thats his mum, n in his eyes she can do no wrong, so its best left like that.
I dont believe in parents tryin to use the child against each other, even though she used him against me, n I knew it. I never retaliated, I never said a bad thing about her to my son, coz no matter what, thats still his mum. I tried never to swear in front of him, n if I did, he'd tell me off, and never raised my hand to him, n just when we were becoming proper m8's, he's gone.
There's not a day goes by that I dont think about him, but ive learnt to cope with it all now, n hopefully one day he'll come and see me n listen to my side of things n see the true picture.
Think ur self lucky u still see ur little'uns :)

ste huxley

Active member
Jul 17, 2001
Planet E
That was a good post that chris, my brother went thru a similar thing but he's managed to sort custody out now legally and stuff. Not right at all your situation:( Hope it works out for you in the end

Biskit said:
Im in the same boat as you Milenko, I have a son who's now 7, n I no longer get to see him. Its a long story, which I do not want to get into deeply.
Shes twisted mi little lads head into not likin me, I could of done the same, but I dont need to sink down to her level. Thats his mum, n in his eyes she can do no wrong, so its best left like that.
I dont believe in parents tryin to use the child against each other, even though she used him against me, n I knew it. I never retaliated, I never said a bad thing about her to my son, coz no matter what, thats still his mum. I tried never to swear in front of him, n if I did, he'd tell me off, and never raised my hand to him, n just when we were becoming proper m8's, he's gone.
There's not a day goes by that I dont think about him, but ive learnt to cope with it all now, n hopefully one day he'll come and see me n listen to my side of things n see the true picture.
Think ur self lucky u still see ur little'uns :)


Active member
none at the moment, only ever had 3 what i would regard as serious relationships. one i was 17 and too young to even consider it, we split after growing apart. we're still mates though:) the 2nd one was just not right, full stop, and we had a near miss without going into too much detail. if she had of had a baby, maybe things would have been different, but i dont even speak to her at all now, and tbh couldnt give a monkeys. so i very much doubt it. the 3rd one, just wasnt the right time, and i still speak to her and we are friends. kids had never even been a thing on the agenda to be honest, but she would make a wonderful mother someday. her and her mother are very close, and i know that her child would have as much love for her, as she has for her mum.:luv: if not more:love:
i personally would like to have kids someday, but as things stand at the moment, it would mean a drastic change of lifestyle and plea for a payrise:p and i just dont think my environment would be ideal for bringing kids up. Its shocking to see what some parents are like these days, swearing at them and doing all sorts of drugs before their eyes etc
when i have children, i want to be in a stable relationship, with the girl i know that i'll spend the rest of my life with, so i can give the child all the love and support that i missed from early family life. my parents split up when i was 3 and have fallen out lots over the years but have been on talking terms for the past few. my mum and briefly my dad brought me up well though, never wanted for anything, but consequently, i'm not a big family person, and am terribly jealous of those with happy normal family life, with lots of aunties and uncles and cousins etc
its especially hard at xmas, trying to split your self between parents and i normally tried to work the xmas day shift at the pub or hotel, to get out of it.
Thats why i know i'd never plan to have a child with someone who i wasnt convinced i would spend forever with. :love:

not saying anyone who has kids early is wrong, not at all. you're all very lucky with what you have, and dont tell anyone, but sometimes all us non parents get jealous over the special bond between parents and kids and want that for ourselves! :)

thats enuff from me:$

:) Woody


Active member
Sep 6, 2001
north west london
Dj M Jaxx said:
I hold my hand up, and say "I am not the best dad in the world by far" but what I do say is the secret to being a good parent is not giving presents to children to make them happy for a is being present at every moment in there growing life that and also building there character and strengths so that they grow to be a confident and happy people

I think you're one of the best blokes in the world and that makes you one of the best dads IMO.
Hope all is good with you fella and you're as happy as you deserve to be. I remember feeling so proud of you when you were in london and making the effort to come to cometogether and still putting the time and effort in with your daughter
:love: :love: :love: :love:

bunny girl

New member
Feb 17, 2003
I don't have any children of my own but I have to say that phill m jax has one of the pretiest daughters ever ,and after spending a day with you and yasmin,you are a good father and have a lovely daughter who is a shining example of how kids shouls be!

plus she liked me reading roald dahls revolting rhymes!!!

ste huxley

Active member
Jul 17, 2001
Planet E
Thats the best post Ive read in ages, cheers Phil:cool:

Dj M Jaxx said:
Being a chap of much experience in this field, I think I can add light to this topic lol

I am 33 and have a daughter... Yasmin who is 10 years old

What can I say about Yasmin apart from she is wonderful, amazing, strong, kind hearted, wise, stunningly beautiful, full of life, very creative, a fantastic dancer, and the best thing that as ever happened in my life.....

She was an unplanned child, I was just twenty two, when I planted my seed (for want of a better word lol) and her Mother Angie was just Seventeen.

Our relationship lasted 10 years, and was a very happy one for the first 4 years. For some reason, perhaps it was a battle for control in our relationship, things started to go horrible wrong, and we tried to make it work for the next 4 years by uprooting, and starting a life in London.

For a year things got better, but then the same old "Control" mind trap raised its ugly head again, which ended up in me losing my wife and daughter, as they moved 200 miles back up North

This is a very difficult time for or woman to be that far away from there child.....and will put a lot of stress on a child’s mind. It also gave me a lot of thinking time, on how to re-evaluate my life on the question "What is really important in my life". In the past I had been so caught up in staying with my then partner for the sake of making a happy home for Yasmin, that I did not realise we where both making life much harder for her by staying together and arguing all the time. This may be easy for someone who has not been through this situation to understand why....but when you are blinded by this sort of thing, it is very easy to kid yourself you are happy

Anyway....I have since moved back up North so I can be closer to Yasmin, and have spent the past year now trying to put right some wrongs, and I have learnt that, to be a Father you must also be that persons friend...anything I do in my life will always be shared with her....if I have my friends around....she will be part of that....My work as a chef....she will spend time in the kitchen cooking with me, My love for music...I teach her how to mix and use the decks and music programs on my computer. Basically what I am saying is....I make Yasmin part of my life.....not an object.

I hold my hand up, and say "I am not the best dad in the world by far" but what I do say is the secret to being a good parent is not giving presents to children to make them happy for a is being present at every moment in there growing life that and also building there character and strengths so that they grow to be a confident and happy people.

I’m very lucky I have so many good friends, and special people in my life that have also been a big influence on Yasmin, and also helped give her certain moments in her life that she has all know who you are...thank you

So in answer to your question Nathan...Yes being a parent at a young age can work, and being a single parent makes no different what so ever....If you love that child like shabba said.....with a love that is second to non...then you will find a way to both be happy

My ex wife and I have now done a lot of growing up, and even though we have a lot of pain between us, we always make sure that on Yasmins Birthday....we spend it together, as a family. This is IMO is the best present we could ever give her.


New member
May 13, 2002
Over the hill in St Helens
Biskit said:
Im in the same boat as you Milenko, I have a son who's now 7, n I no longer get to see him. Its a long story, which I do not want to get into deeply.
Shes twisted mi little lads head into not likin me, I could of done the same, but I dont need to sink down to her level. Thats his mum, n in his eyes she can do no wrong, so its best left like that.
I dont believe in parents tryin to use the child against each other, even though she used him against me, n I knew it. I never retaliated, I never said a bad thing about her to my son, coz no matter what, thats still his mum. I tried never to swear in front of him, n if I did, he'd tell me off, and never raised my hand to him, n just when we were becoming proper m8's, he's gone.
There's not a day goes by that I dont think about him, but ive learnt to cope with it all now, n hopefully one day he'll come and see me n listen to my side of things n see the true picture.
Think ur self lucky u still see ur little'uns :)

i have the other side of the ex has a wonderful 8yr old boy(9 on thurs) and he hasnt seen him for years.......he was seeing him for a while, but then it all just stopped, he got a new woman and upped sticks like he does every few months and he hasnt even sent him a birthday card or christmas card for years........i know he's still alive and well cause he's bragging on friends reunited about being the mamager of a car sales firm and says' heres a pic of me in the dominican republic' evil tw8t......his son asks about him all the time and i have to lie for him and say stuff like ' he thinks about you every day' some men dont deserve to be breaks my heart. he' only ever given me £5 for him in all them years........


Active member
Jun 7, 2002
DeeDee said:
i have the other side of the ex has a wonderful 8yr old boy(9 on thurs) and he hasnt seen him for years.......he was seeing him for a while, but then it all just stopped, he got a new woman and upped sticks like he does every few months and he hasnt even sent him a birthday card or christmas card for years........i know he's still alive and well cause he's bragging on friends reunited about being the mamager of a car sales firm and says' heres a pic of me in the dominican republic' evil tw8t......his son asks about him all the time and i have to lie for him and say stuff like ' he thinks about you every day' some men dont deserve to be breaks my heart. he' only ever given me £5 for him in all them years........

Yep there is some tw@ts, n I aint one of em. I give her *edit* a lot of money a month n get nothing from it. Lets leave it at that now 4 me :)