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got a funny story for ya.

okay basically i was helping my mate alastair move house yesterday and it was bloody hard work. Anyway so me, al and a friend of his are parked on the pavement carrying stuff out of this van, whilst coming back from the flat i see al's mate chatting to a guy who is waving a sony camcorder around. it's the small cute one. I ask al's mate what this guy wants for it

he says £150 I say that it's worth about £2000

he asks me if i have any cash cause he only has £80. i so no

he says he'll ask the guy if he'll take £80 for it. by now the guy is in the car.

meanwhile i'm still carrying stuff as i have to get back to my club for tennis

al's mate comes running over with this little bag well chuffed.

I say jesus he went for it. wicked

the guy is trying to open the bag but the zip is knackered

it's a little holdall

he eventually gets it open and it is filled with 3 cans of baked beans wrapped in newspaper

he says he swore he saw the guy drop the camera into the bag and he must have done a proper david blaine stylleee

the whole thing was soo slick right up to the fucked zip so you couldn't get it open until the man was gone.

I have a feeling there was another guy on the pavement further down the street incase we got heavy and

the guy looked columbian

i told the story to my cab driver who had been done with a computer and a bag full of bricks and then a tennis club member as well.