done over like a kipper

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Active member
Sep 6, 2001
north west london
Imagine my surprise when i find a 1987 release by the jams (aka klf) at my local charity shop and then release i have no money. walk home get money go back to shop. record is £2 okay fairy nuff. get home only to find it's a record by the TAMS! designed to make pricks like me buy it. same black and white design as all the jams records as well. bastards lol not having a good shoping day. did pick up oops upside your head by the gap band though. although that'll probably turn out to be by the shat band or something rotfl
pauly p said:
I bought KLF - 1987 (What the f**k is going on) for 50p.
It was deffo one of the orig 500 pressed with tatty cover and everything. Took it home and there was SLD - Getting out inside which was good.
Pauly P

(I love junk shops)

Pauly - you mean you got 1987 and SLD on Mighty Quinn for 50p ?? You jammy git !! My best one so far was Alpha DY - Chicago Trip on WP Staff for 50p (or a quid - I forget) !
wicked sax build up, then drops with tougher beats & a slightly diff piano chord breakdown & that tough synth noise underneath.... wicked stuff - Joe is the man

I`m gonna give this another chance tonight (all I remember is being dissapointed when I got the blue cover (remixes) as the orig mixes (red cover) were purely belter with the orig mix and space mix.

Pauly P


New member
Aug 12, 2002
As the threads been pretty hijacked..! I too think the remixes are pretty smart. The JTC mix is well cool and on a par with ? and Primitive mixes. Pisses over the UK mixes I had, they really weren't my cup of tea.