don't cha love ebay bidding wars

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Active member
Mar 25, 2002
nathan said:
my corina:- loving you like crazy is currently at $29 as two blokes are slugging it out. How come that gets 9 bids and came outta nowhere, take on higher, rolling rok etc haven 't got one yet?

Last minute bidders are worse.Tried to buy sterling voids its alright 12" version the other week and some one must have been using the old last minute .com biddings thingy megig and seemed to have put a bid on in the last 5 seconds.I put a bid on in the last minutes and watch it go down at 8 o`clock in the morning,kept refreshing till it closed the next thing he`d won lol i don`t believe it(in a victor meldrew voice)



New member
Jul 18, 2001
they just bid up to your total amount...

if you'll pay £20 for something that's at £10, they'll bid 10.50 then 11.00 until your in the lead.

it works just the same way as ebay but puts the bid in at the last second, which keeps the price down.

With both ebay and any auction sniper thing you have to put in the most your willing to pay. simple. if you put the most you're willing to pay in ebay then you won't be beaten by a last minute snipe unless they're willing to pay more than you.

people can't moan if they up a bid from £5 to £5.10 and then get beat at £5.20.

this is the reason why sniping is so item opens at £3...then someone puts a bid on it for just £3...then mr sniper comes along in the last second and gets it for £3.10..the first guys moaning saying he'd have paid more than that but the thing is he didn't put his maximum in. if he'd of put £5 in at the start he'd of won it for £3.20..don't just up it by the minimum..put your maximum in.


New member
Dec 18, 2001
Up North, pint o tetley
yeah i lost out to

a last minute today

wood allen airport 89 beat by 10p

then i go in the disc
to add insult to injury wacked it on and remembered why i was bidding on it

cos dj hype used it as his (high frequency) 'scratch' record

to add insult to injury again
i spent £20 on 4 records
when dale had just bought a 22k collection for less than a penny a record

ps. nathan ain't your corina got the acca on, must be rare
my battered copy went for £12 last week


Active member
Sep 6, 2001
north west london
yeah whatya you're right

I think i did a good sell by saying "create your own bootleg with the accapella" lol. The funniest thing is the record cost me 20p. Whatya I have a wicked copy of wood allen with a picture cover with airplane and shit. and all those scratch samples etc. troub is mate has sentimental value for me and i'm not just saying that to wind you up. Was my fave tune in 89 love the break in it. Will look out for a copy of it. How much did the one on ebay go for?


New member
Dec 18, 2001
Up North, pint o tetley
£3.20 so it wasn't the end of the world

but to buy a big bundle of tunes at
0.9 of a penny and then sell for £8 was asking too much for me

i like a bargain........ (in a lynx add style song)

my best 20p purchase (but i already had a few copies)
sold for about £50 on ebay

also renaissance disc 2 only 50 pence sold for £45