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their both top choonz in their own right id say but Felix has to be the best song for me faithless is more charty to me but still a very good song by Maxi jazz / sister bliss / rollo .

Felix has more as someone sead in another thread more " back in the day memories " for me like the gallery , wigan pier , and galactica at ripon the joey beltram tape :eek: " don't stop that disco never ever stop that disco " if you were their you will know wot i mean choon a rooney  but don't get me wrong no sleep is still a good song " tearing off tights with my teeth " and a fucking wicked intro to the song but it still don't beat Felix's intro wicked .

when rollo sent the song to hooj choons i don't think they changed much of the original song before they released it only on the remixes they changed it they were happy with it so they left it alone you don't get that much on song before ther are relesed .

rollo has made some good stuff " rollo goes camping " rollo goes spiritual " "rollo goes mystic "all top draw stuff in my book and it all started with don't u want me when he was 15 i think .:thumbsup: