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Lucid dreams are totally ace!  It's so wierd to be fully aware that you are asleep and that everything you are seeing is a dream.  You can actually controll what to dream about too, and make stuff happen.  It's just a shame I don't get them very often - maybe once a year. :(

The freakiest dream I've ever had was this...

Was in my second year at Uni, and was dreaming that I was in bed trying to go to sleep, but people kept coming in my room and watching tv and talking.  It started stressing me out, and making me really frustrated.  It seemed to go on forever, until I eventually screamed at them all to get out, and I woke up.

What really freaked me out was that for some unknown reason my TV was actually on, and as I slowley came round I could swear there was someone sitting across the room in my big comfy armchair.  It was starting to get light, so I could kind of see stuff, but I wasn't sure if I was imagining someone in my room.  Then I began to propper freak out as I realized I was hallucinating - the guy in the chair turned round and asked me to change channel or something.  This really, really scared me and I ducked down under the duvet, just peering out over the top.

Then I woke up, for real this time.  Fuck me, I was so scared.  The fake wake up was SO real.  Totally mad! :fekked: