Well i got the option of having a sorta demi-wave (subtle curl) or a spiral (hardcore twistin sista) lol. I went for the demi- which is far more curled back towards the eye lid then when you use trad eyelash curlers. The tips of my eyelashs are really bent back, thank fuck i didn't go for the spiral! Although they look ace, i will be chuffed when they have 'dropped' a bit as at the mo, when i put mascara on i can't get to the tips- which is making them look shorter then they are. Perhaps both perming AND lash extensions are the way forward lol.
It was uncomfortable (and took ages, like 40 mins), but then i think my sister was a tad heavy handed with me. My eyes are sore if i am honest, but i think that was her method as opposed to the actual solutions that she used- as the slight scabbing is where she pulled the mini rollers off. I would deffo recommend it- when i wake up my eyes look as though i am wearing a slight touch of make-up.