i have just started hosting samples on me e-bay sales, i was using a file share thingy @ first & it was feckin' scary how high the bandwidth got with just a 'few' peeps havin' a listen! So i've now had to buy a piece of 'web' space to accomadate 'em!People (Even me til recently) don't realise that this little part of cyber space is like everything else: It aint feckin' FREE!
i have just started hosting samples on me e-bay sales, i was using a file share thingy @ first & it was feckin' scary how high the bandwidth got with just a 'few' peeps havin' a listen! So i've now had to buy a piece of 'web' space to accomadate 'em!
People (Even me til recently) don't realise that this little part of cyber space is like everything else: It aint feckin' FREE!