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New breakbeat mix from me dudes :slayer: Enjoy! :-):giggle:

Featured artists include Lauer, Romain FX, Pepé, Wardown, Darian, Fragile X, DJ Spielberg, Instinct, Octo Octa, BURG, Tangerine Dream, Burial and more..



1. Charles Webster - The Spell (Burial Mix)

2. Tangerine Dream - Towards The Evening Star

3. Vick Lavender - The NiteFlyte (Jessie's Journey)

4. BURG - Slow Collider

5. DJ Snils And Every Korner - Black Box Riddle

6. Intinct - Can't Run Away From Yourself (Holloway Dub)

7. Fragile X - Lifetime

8. DJ Spielberg - Cyber Gunas

9. Pepé - You Must Not Be Me

10. Romain FX - The Drive (Lauer Remix)

11. Pepé - Life Signs (Roll Mix)

12. Kevin Di Serna & Interaxxis - Spanner Interactions

13. Nicolas Parrado - Souling

14. Speaking Minds & Amarcord - Blue Days

15. Octo Octa - Dresses

16. Darian - The Fuckin Vibes

17. Wardown - Culverhouse

18. Wardown - Ferric

19. Paul & Shark - Selectavision

20. Fat Man Miami - Subcultur