That's todays lunch sorted Chris
Do you put the worcester sauce on before grilling though or after?
edit: it tastes better putting it on afterwards
I go before, actually...
1) Bosh bread under grill (hovis thick sliced white round my gaff)
2) While 1st side toasts, cut some slices of organic farmouse mature cheddar 2 slices of cheese per slice of bread (or 3 if you're extra cheesy Debs)
3) Flip bread over & strategically position cheese allowing for meltage.
4) Scatter liberally with L&Ps (some of it will soak into the bread... mmm)
5) Turn grill down a bit & stick it back under till it goes all bubbly.
More-ish as fuck

and probably incredibly bad for you
Gonna have to try adding sauce afterwards now... purely in the interests of science...