Soz in advance guys but watched it n thought it was pants. Dunno how many stunts they have 2 do normally but they only did 3 this time. The first 1 was pickin up flags on a movin, swervin bus which wasn't 2 bad they lost the 2 baywatch peeps ie David Hasselhoff n I didn't know the other! The 2nd round, the eatin round turned in2 puttin their head in a tank 4 3 mins with a variety of bugs, the last 4 got thro' then the 3rd round was walkin round a circle 100 foot in the air. John Travolta made a guest appearance cos his wife was still but he didn't do the stunt!! Coolio won but have 2 say I wasn't that impressed perhaps cos they didn't make em eat owt etc. Please tell me it's better than that normally!!!