Folks who you went to school with.

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New member
Sep 6, 2003
You know those in your year at school, perhaps they were never really your friend or maybe you just never kept in touch. Well if you see them in the street do you usually say hi, wave or something- or just ignore them.

I always find this hard, its like playing chicken in acknowledgment form. You spot them on the other side of the road, you are walking towards them crazily trying to place their mug. Okay you know now that they sat next to you in french, and then you think if i wave and they don't i look daft, but if i don't and they do- at that point where its too late to wave back will i look rude.

What about freinds reunited, anyone ever done that? I have no desire to get in touch with anyone from my high school, i hated it so much. All my friends went to a different school.

And what about when you see the 'in' boy from your school, the one which all the girls would dedicate rulers, pencil cases etc to. How funny is it when you see them all grown and they are really average.

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Staff member
Jul 15, 2001
i had this one yesterday. went to me local offie aka cellar 5 (they changed its name to booze busters about 4 years ago but it will always be cellar 5 to me lol) and a new bird workin there was in my year at school.

couldnt remember for the life of me what her name was tho its one of them where u can remember there face from back in the day even what lessons you had with em but trying to name the bleeder and its hard work.

i opted for the not let on approach, only coz i only went to school for the first couple of years properly so she prolly couldnt remember me anyways and also coz i didnt have time for small talk, i was buying beer to drink and it would have slowed my round trip for supplies down.

ste huxley

Active member
Jul 17, 2001
Planet E
My nickname was Nookie at school (pronounced Knucky lol) and I saw this guy who I havent seen for like 15 years and he said 'Alright Nookie', I laffed my bollacks cos it was dead funny, Id not had anyone call me that for Eons n yonks etc

So last w/e me and dannst were known as Nookie and Marv (cos Marv was his name at school)

AND togther were Nookie n Marv!!:thumbsup:


Staff member
Jul 15, 2001
nookie. lol. where the hell did that one come from ste. before the era of the butty all me mates used to call me antoine. you know like a french dood kinda name.

dont know why like i aint even half french or even 3 quarters french. anyways i was out a few weekends ago and i saw me mate jo jo who i aint seen in time and she was introducin me to all her mates as antoine. i didnt know if to say hello or bonjour lol :cops:


New member
Mar 3, 2003
Sniffing glue........again!
I always opt for the pretend you haven't noticed option, i really can't be arsed making polite conversation to someone i haven't seen (or wanted to see) for 10 years!!!!!!

This is something which does actually happen quite often cos i come from a little town and alot of people never left so when i go back i usually see loads of people i went to school with in the pubs and club. It's alot easier now that i've got dark hair cos no one ever reckognises me and i can be ignorant to my hearts content and everyone is none the wiser. :D

ste huxley

Active member
Jul 17, 2001
Planet E
well it all started in juniors then this guy called me knucksville tennessee, for some reason cos probs it like knucks hux, well it then went to knucksville then nookie and in secondary school it was nookie cos I used to rude things with girls a lot lol

butty said:
nookie. lol. where the hell did that one come from ste. before the era of the butty all me mates used to call me antoine. you know like a french dood kinda name.

dont know why like i aint even half french or even 3 quarters french. anyways i was out a few weekends ago and i saw me mate jo jo who i aint seen in time and she was introducin me to all her mates as antoine. i didnt know if to say hello or bonjour lol :cops:


Active member
Mar 21, 2005
I've kinda kept in touch with 3 or 4 (besides friends that I still turn out with now) and have even been to 1 school reunion and 1 year reunion.
It makes me feel really old though lol :)


New member
Mar 3, 2003
Sniffing glue........again!
ste huxley said:
well it all started in juniors then this guy called me knucksville tennessee, for some reason cos probs it like knucks hux, well it then went to knucksville then nookie and in secondary school it was nookie cos I used to rude things with girls a lot lol

Things like jumper tits. :$


New member
May 13, 2002
Over the hill in St Helens
ive kept in touch with 1 girl from school, but working in town i see hundreds of em that i was at school with, i usually dont let on unless they say summat first. ive had a few e mails off a couple of peeps in my class thru freinds reunited and replied to them but nothing ever really came of it. i do still talk to a few peeps if i see em round town, but they were in the year above me, we were more out of school , hang around the park mates. one of em his nickname used to be 'pubes' and i really have to stop myself from saying 'hiya pubes!!' i really try to avoid all memories of school cause i hated it with a passion!

Northern Star

Staff member
May 10, 2004
On Cloud 9!!!
Dont really see many of them around these dayz :thumbsup:

Do speak to a few of them when i do see them....but there are some id still give a smack if i saw them today :mad:

Depends who it is really for me........some were sound some were dick heads :|

Have to say though.....cus i was one of them that got my head down and got on with it, wasnt interested in whos cool and not cool......therefore wernt considered one of the so called in crowd :D like i cared.......but lol u wanna see um now.......4 kids married 2x divorced already, about 20 stone living in a run down council flat in the bronx type areas ;)

they no longer have room to call.....cus i have had the last laugh :p


Active member
Feb 15, 2003
sunshine on Leith, via Watford
Only in touch with a few I grew up with and went to school with - we started of with a group of around 50 which dwindled due to the effects of drugs changing personalities/relationships, prison for some, it dwindled rather rapidly - but now im over 400 miles away from them now so contact is basically null.

As for friendsreunited, at school I was very shy and reserved:confused: people think cos yer quiet your not "the sharpest tool in the box", but looking at those people who thought they were better than me and I invisaged them to be in high flying careers- no such luck for them.:D

shame really,



New member
Nov 6, 2002
skippy said:
nah, around here it's customary just to go 'oreet!' when u meet someone in that situation and carry on walking, unless the other person carries on talking in which case u could be there for a while.

Yeah thats my way of doin it too, always say 'ello ( not 'oreet cos thats for pie munchers ;) ) but dont stop to chat shit cos i'm on an important mish to buy some crumpets or somat.

Miss C

New member
May 18, 2003
New York
Sometimes its funny to shit on the people u didnt like tho...saw this girl who i never really got on with at school in the bus station with a kid AND a bump, (only 18) plus she was looking pretty haggered. So i made a point of going over and making the usual totally false convo with her, cutting to the chase, it went something along the lines of "so what are u doing with urself these days?...erm looking after him (points down at the kid)...don't u work?, did shit in my GCSE's anyway n got him to look after so cant do owt anyway, so what are u doing now?....yeah well i'm doing really well, at uni doing a law degree now actually, did really well in my GCSE's, just heading out into town on the piss..". the look on her face was priceless, pissed on you love!! :moonie:


Mar 11, 2004
Miss C said:
Sometimes its funny to shit on the people u didnt like tho...saw this girl who i never really got on with at school in the bus station with a kid AND a bump, (only 18) plus she was looking pretty haggered. So i made a point of going over and making the usual totally false convo with her, cutting to the chase, it went something along the lines of "so what are u doing with urself these days?...erm looking after him (points down at the kid)...don't u work?, did shit in my GCSE's anyway n got him to look after so cant do owt anyway, so what are u doing now?....yeah well i'm doing really well, at uni doing a law degree now actually, did really well in my GCSE's, just heading out into town on the piss..". the look on her face was priceless, pissed on you love!! :moonie:

Ohhh...theres an evil streak lurking there ;) Good on ya though :thumbsup:


Active member
Mar 10, 2004
I still knock about with three lads I went to school with, one I DJ with (Si Kelsall), one I'm going to be best man at his wedding (Ant Kelsall) and one I get always seem to get very pissed with (Riley) :D

I see a lot of the lads I knew from school in the boozer every now and then, but the lads above are the only ones from school who I would consider mates. :thumbsup:

Me and Milenko went to different schools. Mel's was ....erm....special....:| :
(Only joking, before Nics starts having a go at me....;) :D)