Followin on from mel's ouija board thread......

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Joker Jen

Active member
VIP Gold Member
Oct 8, 2001
Secret Location in Gotham City
has anybody seen any ghosts or images that they can't explain away??

I haven't personally apart from having the feeling that there's someone else in the room but I didn't dare open my eyes to look!!

How bout anybody else, got any spine chillers to tell???


Active member
Mar 21, 2005
My first job was as a trainee pipe organ builder and that often meant occasional church organ rebuilds.

I was working in a church late afternoon in winter years ago and it was dark outside. The vicar had already bollocked me the night before for wasting energy by leaving the lights on at the back off the church when I was working on the organ near the alter at the front. It was pitch black where the congregation sat at the back of the church and where we were storing all the pipes, soundboxes, wooden panels etc. out of the organ and I had a solitary light shining on the organ keyboard.

That afternoon, I was sat resetting the keys on the keyboard and it was deadly quiet inside the church. All of a sudden I heard lots of almighty crashing and banging at the back of the church like some poltergeist had smashed everything around the place. My heart was beating about 200bpm and I sprung up and sprinted for the light switches and threw them all on. I stood there expecting to see half of the back of the church smashed up, but everything looked fine:eek: :eek: I made my way slowly towards the back to inspect closer the organ parts and everything looked to be in place.

Still shaken, I made my way back to the keyboard and started replacing the keys again, keeping an eye on the back. After a short while I thought i'd better switch the lights off again or that vicar will be in again to remind me that power isn't cheap. So I switched them all off. My heart rate had calmed to to something resembling normal again and I got stuck into my job again.

CRASH, BANG, THUD, SMASH again, I jumped about 10 foot into the air and legged it out of the church as quick as I could, I was almost too scared to lock it, but just about managed to without soiling my pants.

I thought "I won't be working in there after dark again":naughty:

Miss C

New member
May 18, 2003
New York
Jiglo said:
My first job was as a trainee pipe organ builder and that often meant occasional church organ rebuilds.

I was working in a church late afternoon in winter years ago and it was dark outside. The vicar had already bollocked me the night before for wasting energy by leaving the lights on at the back off the church when I was working on the organ near the alter at the front. It was pitch black where the congregation sat at the back of the church and where we were storing all the pipes, soundboxes, wooden panels etc. out of the organ and I had a solitary light shining on the organ keyboard.

That afternoon, I was sat resetting the keys on the keyboard and it was deadly quiet inside the church. All of a sudden I heard lots of almighty crashing and banging at the back of the church like some poltergeist had smashed everything around the place. My heart was beating about 200bpm and I sprung up and sprinted for the light switches and threw them all on. I stood there expecting to see half of the back of the church smashed up, but everything looked fine:eek: :eek: I made my way slowly towards the back to inspect closer the organ parts and everything looked to be in place.

Still shaken, I made my way back to the keyboard and started replacing the keys again, keeping an eye on the back. After a short while I thought i'd better switch the lights off again or that vicar will be in again to remind me that power isn't cheap. So I switched them all off. My heart rate had calmed to to something resembling normal again and I got stuck into my job again.

CRASH, BANG, THUD, SMASH again, I jumped about 10 foot into the air and legged it out of the church as quick as I could, I was almost too scared to lock it, but just about managed to without soiling my pants.

I thought "I won't be working in there after dark again":naughty:

Jeeeeesus i'd be petrified. I've nothing exciting to report, feeling a presence sometimes in the dark is about as good as it gets. I think its just the dark generally that sh*ts people up half the time.

Joker Jen

Active member
VIP Gold Member
Oct 8, 2001
Secret Location in Gotham City
Miss C said:
Jeeeeesus i'd be petrified. I've nothing exciting to report, feeling a presence sometimes in the dark is about as good as it gets. I think its just the dark generally that sh*ts people up half the time.

I think u could be right there hun :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: How many times do u walk around in the dark imaginin alsorts in the shadows when in reality there's nothin there the majority of times :| :| :| :|


Active member
Mar 21, 2005
That was a one off event and I can't comprehend what happened that afternoon:S

I'd love an expert opinion, because nobody's given me a plausible explaination for it so far:|


Active member
Mar 21, 2005
You mean my mind was playing tricks on me? lol

I really don't know how anybody could have pulled it off:S :S

Miss C

New member
May 18, 2003
New York
The Joker said:
I think u could be right there hun :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: How many times do u walk around in the dark imaginin alsorts in the shadows when in reality there's nothin there the majority of times :| :| :| :|

Haha serious, I run back from the toilet in the night sometimes lol! & sometimes have to sleep with the telly on to distract me from my wondering mind :$

Joker Jen

Active member
VIP Gold Member
Oct 8, 2001
Secret Location in Gotham City
Miss C said:
Haha serious, I run back from the toilet in the night sometimes lol! & sometimes have to sleep with the telly on to distract me from my wondering mind :$

am totally hearin u hun, I've even got a cd a listen to rather than watchin the telly cos if I try to fall asleep watchin it the changes in light & sound wake me just as I'm fallin asleep with a rite start :eek: :eek: :eek: :$ :$ :$

Miss C

New member
May 18, 2003
New York
The Joker said:
am totally hearin u hun, I've even got a cd a listen to rather than watchin the telly cos if I try to fall asleep watchin it the changes in light & sound wake me just as I'm fallin asleep with a rite start :eek: :eek: :eek: :$ :$ :$

Haha, i've occasionally listened to Enya 'water voices' to try & knock me out, aaah theres no shame in it :D

Northern Star

Staff member
May 10, 2004
On Cloud 9!!!
When i was about 18 yrs old i was going out wi this chap called oliver who lived in a big old house with his mum dad n sister on the way to ribchester :thumbsup: they had all gone to huddersfield that day (sat) to see his mums family so me n Ol stayed in listening to tunes and chilling out (in more ways than one as you will see in a bit):|

got to about half 12 in the evening and we were watching a film in the lounge.........the telly jus popped i looked over at oli and he was well in a i started speaking to him and he wouldnt give me a response...i thought he was winding me up like......then i noticed a tear run down his face...very strange and tbh i started to get a bit worried thinking something had a happened:$ he finally came around about 10 minutes later and said to me...its gone very cold........i couldnt feel it until he told me go stand where the tv was......the temp dropped quite badly :| :eek: :eek: :eek: anyway when the telly came on and oli sorted his head out he said his grandad had been stood n the corner shaking his finger at him as if he was telling him off :| :| :| i was a bit dubious tbh until the following day when his mum n co came home and told us the antics that had been going on in huddersfield :ghost: his mums sister had 2 twin boys only about 3 yr old and one of them had come running down in the night saying the other was talking to grandad :| :| :|

looks like grandad had been doing the rounds that night :ghost: :| :eek:


Active member
Oct 5, 2004
im like herpes....never quite fcuk hoff!!!
cant say ive ever seen a ghost myself but ive been in places when there have been strange goins on:ghost: like thigs bumping, creeky floors doors opening etc....
i was at a house party a few weeks ago and my friends mum was talking about her grandson and showing me a vid on her fone of him waffling on...........then in the background (still on the vid) you saw a hunched man stooped over walking across the back of the lil lad!!!!!

and weve talked about it but there was no way that it was a shadow of anybody else in the house walking past etc... also theres no way in this world that it was a shdow on that side of the room coz there was no window there bla bla that well n truly put the wind up me:eek:


Active member
Mar 10, 2004
nics said:
cant say ive ever seen a ghost myself but ive been in places when there have been strange goins on:ghost: like thigs bumping, creeky floors doors opening etc....
i was at a house party a few weeks ago and my friends mum was talking about her grandson and showing me a vid on her fone of him waffling on...........then in the background (still on the vid) you saw a hunched man stooped over walking across the back of the lil lad!!!!!

and weve talked about it but there was no way that it was a shadow of anybody else in the house walking past etc... also theres no way in this world that it was a shdow on that side of the room coz there was no window there bla bla that well n truly put the wind up me:eek:

Yeah, I saw that video.....wierd shit man.... :ghost:

Loads of stuff happens at ours that you can't explain, like hearing someone walking upstairs and across the landing, doors opening when no-ones about, stuff goes missing and turns up in odd locations (TV remote onto of the fridge etc) we've heard a child laughing (it wasn't Ryan as he was staying at my mams that night....) I've seen someone out of the corner of my eye (when I was on the decks) walk into my bedroom so I've gone in and no-ones there......the weirdest was when an ashtray flew off the side when no-one was near it and smashed......freaky shit, man......


Active member
Apr 20, 2004
Dancin the night away
When my dad died 7 yrs ago a couple of days after he came to me one night and gave me a kiss on my cheek:love: . I know i was awake and it was'nt in my imaganation. I have also experianced a dark figure in the room with me at night a couple of times and i have woken up with my name being shouted when i have woken up i feel paralised and can not move or speak that was strainge.


Active member
Oct 5, 2004
im like herpes....never quite fcuk hoff!!!
stee said:
Yeah, I saw that video.....wierd shit man.... :ghost:

Loads of stuff happens at ours that you can't explain, like hearing someone walking upstairs and across the landing, doors opening when no-ones about, stuff goes missing and turns up in odd locations (TV remote onto of the fridge etc) we've heard a child laughing (it wasn't Ryan as he was staying at my mams that night....) I've seen someone out of the corner of my eye (when I was on the decks) walk into my bedroom so I've gone in and no-ones there......the weirdest was when an ashtray flew off the side when no-one was near it and smashed......freaky shit, man......
well i dint mention names but i had an idea youd seen it:ghost:

ive been to your mums n your house and never actualy seen anything happen, but the stories are enuff to put the eebie jeebies up me:ghost:

spesh all the with ryam and his friend tony:ghost: :naughty: !!!!:eek:


New member
May 13, 2002
Over the hill in St Helens
id give anything to experience something spooky, my nan said she used to see things all the time and my aunty was convinced her house was haunted, my cousin who was really young at the time used to talk about a woman who came to visit him every night and that she was his mum before he was born:| a friend baby sat for him one night and said that she had seen a ghostly woman she vowed never to go back to the house again!


Active member
Sep 2, 2003
Dysfunction Junction
I've never seen anything ghostly (to my knowledge..if they look the same then how do we know we dont stroll past them all the time..:D )
until / unless I see one i'm not sure if I believe or not. And they'd better have the white sheet / ball and chain :p
My dad died at home and if anything the thought he may have still been there afterwards would kinda comfort me i think?? (dislaimer: this may go all out the window if i had of actually seen anything, lol!)
The day he died I was later sitting in the room he died, in bits , willing him to appear to me , but this was grief and desperation rather than being rational... he never did appear of course!

I had a psychic reading thingy done once, and they reckoned he was standing next to me but have to say I'm a pretty sceptical person when it comes to all that stuff :naughty: :confused:
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New member
May 25, 2005
nics said:
well i dint mention names but i had an idea youd seen it:ghost:

ive been to your mums n your house and never actualy seen anything happen, but the stories are enuff to put the eebie jeebies up me:ghost:

spesh all the with ryam and his friend tony:ghost: :naughty: !!!!:eek:

omg i know ryan was only three and he would go mad if you did'nt make tony a drink and when something wierd happend ryan would casualy say it's ok it's only tony i had to get the house blessed as it was freaking me out esspecialy when he described him to me i asked what tony looked like and he said he had no hair and he could go through the walls :ghost:
and once me and stee took ryan to blackpool for the weekend and he was realy upset cause we had left him at home :| :| :ghost: