Ive only used a mac twice, I didnt like it to be honest, and as you say PC's have basicly had the investment power and compatability stronghold for quite some time that its become an obsured gap between the two in terms of software and probably hardware too.
What I dont get is why other operating systems cant run windoes programs.....well, I do know, Its the programming code and core thats based for manipulating the windows platform, but there must be a way round it. Last thing I got excited about with operating systems was the "Lindows" project which proclaimed to run windows stuff at the time.
What is there?, Red Hat Linux etc, Sun Solaris?, Lindows, Mandrake, Linux, Unix, Beos......dunno much about any of em really. The major car plant near here runs Sun Solaris with thier Catia Design, but thats the only time Ive ever come across it - it looked like bloody hoss work too - how many commands to open a floppy disk file?

. Windows may be flakey and full of holes and spy stuff, but at least its easy! lol
Can you get a Mac and format the drive to windows XP? lol
I heard that MSoft was making a new version of windows to sell in placed where they currently have no copyright duristiction - everone is just pirated, even big business's cos they cant touch em.....so the thoery is to give em a cut down XP at next to nothing (the cheeky bleeders wont sell it here though) to stop pirates and also try and regain the market from free operating systems in China etc, which is severely eating its profit margins apparently. The Japanese or Chinese dont want to become dependant on American software for fear of when theres a conflict that America can just route a bug through all microsoft stuff and wipe out all defense systems etc.....so they are using alternatives cos its free and also future independant of filling Billy Boys bank account. Good on em I say.