does anyone else get a bit too big for there boots when in the cooking arena?
im always doing it, sometimes i have it in me head that im like superman and can do extraordinary things and it usually all ends up in tears (or me being still hungry)
ie about a month ago i was gettin summet out of the micro burner, think it was taglitelli or summet. anyways it was in like one of them bags u waz in n set it off
i tried to get the bag out without using suitable hot stuff removal apparatus, i sort of tried to throw it out and onto me plate. only problem is i overshot the plate n threw the bag of scran into the bin that was waitin open mouthed below!
anyways ya thought i would have learnt me lesson but jus then i went to get a pie out of the oven and thought i could throw it onto me plate that was patiently waiting on the the door bit that u pull down to get into the oven
i wazzed it off the rack thing in the oven but totally missed it n me chicken n mushy pie ended up flipped over on its head on the oven door with all the ming that seems to get there over time
i rescued what i could of it, i wouldnt recomend it though as im prolly teamin with mrsa n such like now
anyways, is anyone else a c@ck like me in the kitchen
im always doing it, sometimes i have it in me head that im like superman and can do extraordinary things and it usually all ends up in tears (or me being still hungry)
ie about a month ago i was gettin summet out of the micro burner, think it was taglitelli or summet. anyways it was in like one of them bags u waz in n set it off
i tried to get the bag out without using suitable hot stuff removal apparatus, i sort of tried to throw it out and onto me plate. only problem is i overshot the plate n threw the bag of scran into the bin that was waitin open mouthed below!

anyways ya thought i would have learnt me lesson but jus then i went to get a pie out of the oven and thought i could throw it onto me plate that was patiently waiting on the the door bit that u pull down to get into the oven
i wazzed it off the rack thing in the oven but totally missed it n me chicken n mushy pie ended up flipped over on its head on the oven door with all the ming that seems to get there over time

i rescued what i could of it, i wouldnt recomend it though as im prolly teamin with mrsa n such like now

anyways, is anyone else a c@ck like me in the kitchen