Has any1 ever actually seen 1???
I am a total none believer myself what with recent technology some1 somewhere must have got a snap of 1 on a mobile, Digicam, Camcorder? And all old footage is pretty suspect...Their always seems 2 b a logical explanation, The main 1 being that most storys start with "well i was in bed" or "i was just dropping off When", so that means the majority who say they have seen 1 are in limbo u kno that stage between sleep and falling asleep or stoned or summert.. I cant get my hat on 2 the amount of folks who say they have experienced the paranormal it must b 3 in 10 yet their is no hard evidence?? Some1 prove me wrong please.
I am a total none believer myself what with recent technology some1 somewhere must have got a snap of 1 on a mobile, Digicam, Camcorder? And all old footage is pretty suspect...Their always seems 2 b a logical explanation, The main 1 being that most storys start with "well i was in bed" or "i was just dropping off When", so that means the majority who say they have seen 1 are in limbo u kno that stage between sleep and falling asleep or stoned or summert.. I cant get my hat on 2 the amount of folks who say they have experienced the paranormal it must b 3 in 10 yet their is no hard evidence?? Some1 prove me wrong please.