Giving up tea/coffee

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New member
Sep 6, 2003
Right now i was a hardcore tea and coffee drinker, two cups of tea before i could communicate and then about six coffee's throughout the day, always super dupa stong and preff fresh from a cafitiere. Then in the evening i would think nothing of drinking a bottle of wine. I gave up both two weeks ago and i have to say it feels ace. I know drink herb tea and hot water with lemon juice in, but i was wondering if anyone else has given up and found any other tasty alternatives? Also, what can i do to speed up getting rid of all the shite residuals in my body? I am happy to do colonic but i don't know any practitioners in my area, so i was thinking more suppliments.



Active member
Oct 5, 2004
im like herpes....never quite fcuk hoff!!!
Im not a massive brew person and would rather drink water most of the time, but you cant beat a nice brew now n again :thumbsup:

gotta say the hot water with lemon in it is nice and the blackurrant n apple herbal t-bags are well nice too.

years ago i used to love the "lift" lemon tea stuff but ive not seen it fer ages, do they still make it???


Registered Member
Dec 28, 2001
Amelie, I was discussing this very thing with my mate just last night!.

I too have become too fixed on coffee, one in the morning, one when I get to work, one at break time, one at the end of dinner, one in the mid afternoon, one when i get home about half five or one with my tea.

I had a similar do with sugar many years ago....I used to have three or four sugars in my coffee :fekked:, but I managed to slowly, over many months cut it down to one and a half, that crept back upto two lately.

Last time I treid to give up coffee, after about a day, I was just dying for it, I could smell it and almost taste it in my mind!. I didnt last long without it, but I was only saying last night I want to try again.

My mate was getting itchy after a few days of water and fruit juice too......its suprising the bodyshock when youre brought up on coffee everyday of your life and then you stop.

How did you manage it Amelie?

Im thinking of firstly limiting how many have by half, then halfing that over a few months to wee this what you did?



New member
Sep 6, 2003
Just kidding, its was actually really awfull for the first three days, i had bad headaches and i was a right nasty bitch too. But then, on the fourth day i fely better, and its just got better since. I think cutting it out all together is the best option, it makes it easier.

I still really fancy it though when i smell it :(


Active member
Feb 15, 2003
sunshine on Leith, via Watford
mmmh i love tea - not to keen on coffee - I think its the caffine you might be getting addicted to, have you tried decaff tea?

I got a nice box of pukker "Ketepa" tea bags from a nigerian bloke in work and i tell you its the nicest brew I have tasted yet!



PS certain properties in tea help keep yer heart healthy:luv:

Super Freak

New member
Jul 26, 2004
LOL I couldnt even consider giveing up my tea n coffee in never get thro work without coupeoss amounts of coffee, espesaly affer coupeoss amounts of ale night before lol, and as for giving up tea well whats a spliff without a cup of tea.
And as for colonics who nees a practioner all you need is some garden hose a jet wash some rubber gloves a tub of vassalene ;)

Just kidding m8. good luck, try swiching to fresh orange the zestyness should sever as a subsitue for that wake up buzz:thumbsup:


New member
Apr 2, 2004
upgraded to Didsbury!
why would you do such a thing?

EEErrrrr maybe she wants to be more healthy!! Do you think??? lol

Nice one Les! I gave up tea and coffee about 3 years ago. I live off herbal teas now. I used to have to stick honey in them to make them more tasty but now I'm hardcore and drink them straight lol!

The nicest herby teas (in my opinion) are, lemon and ginger and camomile and spiced apple (twinings)

If you want to flush out all your toxins, nettle tea's a great detoxer! Also cut out red meat, sugar, wheat and dairy for a week! (it's pretty hard though, i dont usually last lol) and that will naturally do what a colonic irrigation does :thumbsup:


Active member
Feb 15, 2003
sunshine on Leith, via Watford
misstickle said:
EEErrrrr maybe she wants to be more healthy!! Do you think??? lol

Nice one Les! I gave up tea and coffee about 3 years ago. I live off herbal teas now. I used to have to stick honey in them to make them more tasty but now I'm hardcore and drink them straight lol!

The nicest herby teas (in my opinion) are, lemon and ginger and camomile and spiced apple (twinings)

If you want to flush out all your toxins, nettle tea's a great detoxer! Also cut out red meat, sugar, wheat and dairy for a week! (it's pretty hard though, i dont usually last lol) and that will naturally do what a colonic irrigation does :thumbsup:

I would rather have the plastic pipe shoved up me rectum and jet wash the klinkers out:|

only joking!


Staff member
VIP Gold Member
ScouseCol said:
dunno how anyone can drink tea or coffee anyway, it's rank. it's like drinkin steptoe's dirty bath water. :fekked:

:) No way Col that's well mad.... I dont like brews neither and my lot think Im a complete and utter loon for not liking a good ole brew....

Am glad its not just me! :thumbsup: Thanx! I do however feel very left out when I see the pleasure that my lot get from brews!

My best friend (Sorry Bird) is like the bog monster in a morning until she gets a brew... :S

S-J x :love:


Jan 21, 2005
lunacy !

S-J said:
:) No way Col that's well mad.... I dont like brews neither and my lot think Im a complete and utter loon for not liking a good ole brew.... :love:

I know what ya mean SJ, whenever i meet new people and they offer me a brew and i say, "no thanks, i don't drink tea or coffee" they look at me like I've just grown an extra 2 heads right before their eyes. :confused:

I remember someone once askin me if the reason i didn't like tea or coffee was because it burnt my mouth when i was drinking it. lolol !! :p they just couldn't get their head round the fact how anyone could think it's absolutely disgusting !! :p :fekked:

And what's this thing about whenever there's a major disaster or tradgedy the first thing that comes out of someone's gob is, "oooo I'll put the kettle on eh, lets have a nice cuppa tea". like it's gonna make anythin better lmao !! :fekked:
all you tea n coffee drinkers are nutters I'll tell ya, not us !! lolol :mad: :roll: :rotate: :mad:

Ya could imagine if a special global news flash came on the tele tellin us all there was a meteor heading for earth and we had 30 minutes to live before the earth got blew to pieces. they'd be a massive power failure within 2 minutes because of everyone puttin thier bloody kettles on !!

honestly, are we the only sane people here SJ? :fekked: ;)


New member
Mar 1, 2004
As anyone who knows me well will be aware I love my tea!!! It is nectar and sorts you out whatever is wrong with you :)

Plus as VA (what a star :thumbsup: ) has taught me, you can easily have a 2 hour convo just about the art of making a cuppa. I admire your plight Amelie. I have found that hot water and lemon has helped me cut down and got rid of the urge that you get with a cup of char for a nice biccie.

Good Luck :D