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northern minx

New member
Jan 10, 2003
the universe!
Last time I went to Glastonbury there were womens urinals called She pees! There were attendants, I guess you could call them, at the doors and they'd hand you these little cardboard funnel things before you go in.

All you see is women pissing themselves, some literally, some with laughter but believe it or not, it actually works. You get to wee standing up, not mess, no crouching in the bushes, and no puke stinky portaloos.....and come out feeling like a new woman, or a new man maybe, depending on how the experience affected you lol

sounds good, but i defo dont fancy the 'literally' type pee :$


New member
Jul 15, 2001
The toilets in Glastonbury are pretty bad but not terrible and they certainly vary. The toilets by the camp sites are usually full first thing in a morning (full to the point of shit coming above the level of the seat in many cases - you could stick a flag on top if you wanted to). However the toilets by the dance area could be sound during the day. It's basically worth shopping around, lol.

The majority of toilets are portaloo's, with some big communal urinals near the main stages and camping areas. You do get the "big pit" one's as well, but you don't have to go to those neccessarily. I heard some fella fell in one of those one year.

Failing that of course, some people seem to take a dump anywhere. One year someone took a shit right by our tent, and last time I went someone had taken a dump in someone's tent near us - on their carry mat. Imagine getting back to your tent and settling down in that by accident!


New member
Jul 15, 2001
Might have to :D

BTW - anyone who buys a ticket is a hommer - nailed on FACT

The hardcore jump over the fence :mexican:
Lol, I used to jump the fence. It used to be a piece of piss. I'm sure that Eavis really wasn't arsed at all. One year it was easier to jump over that walk down to the proper entrance with a ticket :fekked: It was fuckin full that year mind, crazy full, with widespread criminality. It was like the last days of Rome.

You can't jump over now though, not since they made that big new fence. You probably could if you were military trained or seriously fit and that (even then it wouldn't be a certainty), but otherwise forget it. Another big change, possibly more important than the fence, was that you have to have a car park pass and everyone in the car has to have a ticket, which meant it's a serious stealth operation just to get to the perimeter without a ticket.

northern minx

New member
Jan 10, 2003
the universe!
last time I went someone had taken a dump in someone's tent near us - on their carry mat. Imagine getting back to your tent and settling down in that by accident!

that is just grim:S
i remember turning round one year to see a big poo in a plastic cup
me and my sis just laughed for hours, we couldnt believe that someone actually managed to precision the poo so well (shrugs shoulders and just laughs!) beserk

how do you manage to get a ticket every year?? i just dont get that lucky - come on jonno, whats ya top tip? :wave: :thumbsup:


New member
Jul 15, 2001
that is just grim:S
i remember turning round one year to see a big poo in a plastic cup
me and my sis just laughed for hours, we couldnt believe that someone actually managed to precision the poo so well (shrugs shoulders and just laughs!) beserk

how do you manage to get a ticket every year?? i just dont get that lucky - come on jonno, whats ya top tip? :wave: :thumbsup:
Last time and the time before (when tickets were seriously scarse) getting tickets online was easily the best way. I just had loads of browsers open for the second that tickets became available, then just clicked away through the network problems on each one till I got tickets. I managed to get tickets for all my mates who went and even some of my brothers mates (with their card numbers of course though).