Going out with last nights make up on.

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Sep 6, 2003
Admittedly aimed at the ladies this one.

There was a time when i would have knocked such 'rough bitchesque' behaviour at going out with last night muck on. Yet after being too tired* last night to take it off i just went to bed. Imagine my delight when running late this morn I find that all it takes is a bit of spit on a face cloth, wipe off the rouge 'escaped' mascara from under the eyes and hey girl, good to go for another day! I reck i have easily saved half an hour what with both removel and reaplication rigmorale that usually happens.

Ever tired this fellow homegirls, have any other tips? At this rate i might actually make it out the house on time one day:)

* some might say drunk but i think it was tiredness, i blame alchopops- not my usual choice.


New member
Feb 19, 2005
Liverpool Laaaaa
I've done it loads of times but it's normally of a weekend when I'm goin back the pub with a hangover.
My mate reckons if you spritz your face with water, it freshens the make up. I normally just lash another layer on top:naughty:
I have to borrow swarfeger off me dad to clean me face the next night!:spin:


New member
Sep 6, 2003
Lozzie said:
I always take my make up off. Id rather go without make up the next day. LOL Amelie .

You= young wrinkle free filly looking fresh faced regardless.
Me= old haggerd Red Rum type who would sacre small children with no makeup.


Joker Jen

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Oct 8, 2001
Secret Location in Gotham City
Amelie said:
You= young wrinkle free filly looking fresh faced regardless.
Me= old haggerd Red Rum type who would sacre small children with no makeup.


LOLOLOL but the less u wear the less ur face wears ;) ;) ;) ;) that said if u have to wear make up a good cleanser/toner/moisturiser lessen the effects !! prob how come u've aged as well as u have :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
i have done it a few times, usually when i have been out wi some mates, and then decided to stay at their house at the last min. so then i usually go home having not replenished my makeup.

only did it once to work tho, and that was the same thing, went out for a beer after work and decided to go and stay at my mates. so went straight to work the next day. (same clothes too tho :() that was bout 4 yr ago lol