Goodtimes 23/11/02

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New member
Nov 11, 2001
Well, an absolutely top night was had again and its great to see the place really taking off now. Cheers to Ben and Mick for a spot on occasion.


Ben - I only caught the last 20 mins of his set, but it was one of the best Ive heard from him. Fast banging tuneage to really get the night off to a flying start.

Rascal - Well impressed with his set, excellent scratching and the set followd on superbly from where Ben left off.

Welly - What can ya say, I thought he'd be good but this set was even better than I imagined. Ii hadnt heard him play an oldskool set in years (apart from 15 mins at the Cornmill) but sat night he had the place rockin. A typical style from back then with some top choons - M.A.N.I.C. - Im Coming Hardcore, Disco Bros pres Nu Luv - Do It and a top mixture of breakbeat, hardcore and piano. Noice, well looking forward to hearing this guy on a regular basis again.

DJ Rikkee and Andy Pendle - These two finished off the night perfectly, theres nowt worse than listening to a load of banging tunes and then the last dj plays at snail pace but there was no danger of that with this set, Well impressed to hear alot of tunes from the 'Last Night at Sequins' tape - Alot which rarely get played.


Grad and Sweet - Top to see ya both, hpe a both up for the Boxing Day extravaganza!!!!

Jen - That fan of yours COMPLETELY messed with my head, one minute I was sat there 'normal' the next minute im holding that thing going through a major thought crisis over what its doing and how its working and that was it then - A tainted mind for the rest of the weekend!!!

Al - Good to see ya mate, I dont know why I kept thinking you could give me weather forecasts !!:fekked: :fekked: but anyway, I'll hook up with ya for a Shelleys/Illusion night of mayhem.

VA - Hehehehe, once again top to see ya m8. Theres much planning and preparation to go into the razor toothed prototype but I am certain the effort will be worth it. Remember if the police find a big hook in ya boot then tell em your building a ship and started with the anchor.

M Jaxx - I think we covered Cricklewoods bus timetable, Spam factories, peacocks and various other topics. All in all highly educational! ! ! !

my heads working proper slow, this threads took about half an hour already lol so to......

PW, Tonksi and girlf, Dannster (ya mad ed), Cat (keeping the fruit alive posse), Tall Paul, Maddox and anyonoe else it was top to see ya's all and roll on Boxing Night madness. Hehehehehe

The Journey Home - I reckon i would have found it easier doing the Krypton factor assault course than driving through that pea soup stylee fog. Mission completed though.

Top night, top peeps!!!!!!!!!!!

Dj M Jaxx

New member
Oct 12, 2001
Ok......gonna have a crack at this one....but dont know how much I will manage to get typed....but hear goes

Well we made it to Goodtimes around about 9.15, after having a quick drink in the pub over the road with Al and VA

Ben - set was a wicked mixture of tunes from all areas of the old skool spectrum...and a true blinding set too m8;)

Rascal - Not heard him play before tonight, and must say, was one of the best sets of the night for me

Welly - Very nice to meet you at last m8, In my days of clubbing I cant remember hearing play much before.... even though I seen your name on many flyers and alot of my friends hold you in high regards.....My God, I can see why now......fecking quality selection of tunes ther m8, I was knackerd and just wanted to sit down, but ever tune was followed whith another and another classic. Dont think I stopped dancing once through that set m8...Hats off to ya fella:thumbsup:

Andy Pendal & DJ Rikkee - A nice selection of piano classics ther chaps, and a perfect way to bring the night to a close. The record of your set for me....... Pulse - lover that you are, not sure if it was by the same person, but was a nice uplifting version nether the less.....Nice one chaps

Ps Big thanks too, Andy for playing Rachel Wallace - Tell me why... I always feel like a twat asking for a record, as I know how anoying it can be when you got a set worked out, and somone comes up to you and asks for something you aint got with ya. Its just it was such a good night....It would have not been the same for me whitout such an anthem ;)

Well after that it was back to cassa dela Tonks for another mad night of antics & codwaffle, to many funny moments to pick at random, so I will post somthing on that one latter....otherwise I could be allnight lolol. I will say though, the trip to the local park (Spornd from one of our many nostalgia chats) was just a classic & the Teach yourself to Breakdance with Al Oldskool A.K.A The Family Guy please see picture bellow for refrance

was just outstanding m8. to do the flares at your age m8 is something to be really pround of fella.....and I am glad to say Sweet Sensation managed to obtain photo evidence of the whole event....wich I am now sure will be enjoyed by many others on the internet.....WATCH THIS SPACE lololol:mad:

Once again a wicked night out..with all mi best friends, give yoursels a big pat on the back everyone, for a gob well done

Special shout outs to the following people

Grad and Sweet - Many thanks for everything this weekend....and for the finger rolls for mi Hot Dogs :p :D

Viynl Animal - Wicked m8..... Many thanks for the lift, to and from GTs fella ( You are a true friend and superstar Mr) Ps The Clivilles & Cole mix of "A deeper love" mix you are after is ( A deeper feeling mix ) and is on Columbia m8

Tonksi & Michelle - Many thanks as usual to Tonksi for putting us all up for the night, and the wicked breakfast m8, Looking forward to retuning all these very big favors when you and Michelle come down hear on the 6th m8. As for you Michelle...wicked to meet you, you where everything Tonksi told me you was....look forward to seeing you also m8.....Tonksi, look after her two look just great for each other ;)

Al Old skool - Thankyou for beeing you m8, you just had me in stitches of laughter all night ( Fecking quality ) back on solids yet m8 lololol :fekked: :crazy:

Adam Burton - Has taht Bus arived yet m8 :D nice to see you again m8, But the way what was it you wanted me to PM you about again:axe:

Big T - Great to see you again too m8, looks like you where struggling a bit towards the end of the night there fella:fekked: :crazy: hope you have recoverd well ;)

Tall Paul - A nice selection of dance technecs you got ther m8:D

Dannster - Good to see you again muka ( With or without hats ). Hope you got up in time the next day fella

Princess Warrior & Marcus - BABBBBBBBYYYY, great to see you again my old school chum ( Dont leave it so long next time ) and nice to see you bagged a reeeet Robbie Williams ther babe lololol

Please say hello to Marcus for us, great to see you have met someone really special for you at last dear, he seems like a wicked bloke you got there dear.....make sure you treat him well

Take care....and dont leave it to long to you come and see us all again. I think I speak for eveyone as a whole, when I say things aint been the same without you around ;)

Ben Fisher - Thanks again for another top night at the disco, I will deffo be up in Halfax early next year for that Booze Weekender with you and Mik. Take care fella ;)

Howsey & Liquid E - Great to meet you both at last chaps, Im sure you are just gonna fit in fine on our many GT nights....Hope you had as gooda night as I had, and look forward to seeing you both ther again soon......Top Chaps

Cat - Wicked to see you again m8, always have a reeet proper Bo laugh when you are around. Look forward to more mad ones next year ;)

MC Maddox - Great to see you again m8, lololol when you mentioned you met someone from ComeTogether the other night, then kept me hanging on all night why you rememberd his name lolololol :D

Chris, Holly, Shara Jane & John - Always a plesure to meet up with you lot when Im up North, I will get a copy of them pictures e-mailed to you the minute I get them developed. Until then......FINGERS ON LIPS :naughty:

Joker - Dont bring that dam fan again.......I have cuts all over my tonge now from trying to stop the blades spinning with it ....WHY you ask......WHY NOT i say :eyes:

To anyone I missed....really sorry. just far to many things to remember in one go

Untill next time peep's ......Take care all


:eyes: :eyes: :eyes: :eyes:

Dj M Jaxx

New member
Oct 12, 2001
Doh !!!!:cry:

How the feck did I miss you geezer

Hear goes

Pacman - To the maddist buddy of all time, what can I say appart from the following

Bus stops
Salted Peanuts
Handbag stitching
Holidays in Catmandoo
I smell a funny shade of red this evening
Cricklewood job openings for dwarf Gordies in the spam canning industry

Can all lead me to leaving you with this one thoght .....


Thankyou please :eyes:


New member
Nov 11, 2001
Dj M Jaxx said:
Doh !!!!:cry:

How the feck did I miss you geezer

Hear goes

Pacman - To the maddist buddy of all time, what can I say appart from the following

Bus stops
Salted Peanuts
Handbag stitching
Holidays in Catmandoo
I smell a funny shade of red this evening
Cricklewood job openings for dwarf Gordies in the spam canning industry

Can all lead me to leaving you with this one thoght .....


Thankyou please :eyes:

LOLOLOL, 'Can I leave you with this thought though??' Funny as fek.

Ya forgiven me ol china, I forgot about meself this weekend at times :fekked:


Active member
Jul 18, 2001
Me Flat with our Kes..proper bo'!
Well what can i say that hasnt already been said so far........
Not much!! as ferk reviews there fellars!! :D

Nice one Ben n Mick for a totally top night!!:thumbsup:

Everything was sooooo right ....the tunes n mixin, hats off to all the Dj's for a night of quality tunage n mixes that made me grin all night .
Me julie...ahem ...I mean Michelle for makin me buzz all night, cheers babes ...u make me warm:thumbsup:
Top atmosphere (everyone was so on the level and this made the night for me)n I think weve made area 31 (the bit at side ort dj booth ot the right near the upstairs bar) into our own private stomping ground..noice
Funny moments...too many to mention but i know there was plenty....ooh they are coming back now....thankyou please
A BIG thanks to everyone who sorted out the lift crisis(u know who u are) and a BIG shout out to everyone fer a top night!!!

PS Cheers for the kind words m8 i nearly teared up:)... n no probs fer the hospitality m8 anytime!!

Looking forward to retuning all these very big favors when you and Michelle come down hear on the 6th m8.
Cheers m8 ,we would like as a favour from u to go and see the chitty-chity-bang-bang with the Michael Ball:thumbsup:

PPS I think we have a new GT disciple in Michelle she loved it:D:D:D
We are like the GT mormons..yes?

And thanks again everyone...roll on GT:BDB* :D:D:D

Good Times: Boxing Day Bonanza:D
As Tonksi said, not much hasnt been said already, so I'll just do my take on things....

I think this was one of the best nights for tunes..since Recca played last ;)

Ben - youre set was superb mate, the best one Ive heard off you :thumbsup: didnt hear it all at GT cos of geting there at 9.30pm, but manged to hear it at Tonks' later...oh and apologies for constantly asking you "whats this tune again Ben ??" !! ;)

Rascal - you played some right tunes there mate, even without any vinyl on the decks ??!! Wrecked my head that !! :crazy:

Welly - what you played was top, made me feel all sad cos I couldnt dance to it, spesh No Stoppin, one of me faves :cry: but you try keeping me from dancing next time..even if I have to :hurl: on the dancefloor !! :eek: j/k Ben ;)

DJ Rikkee and Andy Pendle - didnt realise you were doing a back to back at first until I noticed the DJ kept changing :axe: errr....I was quite :fekked: :$ some right little belters there..

A top night of tunes all night...full stop ;)

The atmosphere was one of the best yet :thumbsup: everyone was really friendly and well up for a good time.

Pacman - absolutely wicked for giving me and grad a lift mate, appreciated it more than you know :love: and nice to chat with you this time.

PW - was so lovely to see you, dont you dare leave it so long next time :naughty: ;) and youre blokey seems top :D

Jen - you never fail to make me smile with your pissedness !! girl you rock !! :pixie:

Tall Paul - well what can I say, GT would not be the same without your big grin there :D always have a top time dancing with you, I constantly buzz off you, but you were a bugger with that camera if I remember rightly :eek: cant wait to see you again :love:

Dannster - you are a top geezer and we'll keep them plans on hold for when me and grad move up norf !! ;) you are a wicked mate and I wish I could have had a few more synchronised stomps with you :( never mind theres always next time...btw hope you got up ok the next day..

Cat - you are a litte bugger and I will be your partner in crime next time :p altho I ended up being rather f**ked anyway !! Lol !! I seem to remember you and grad finding me highly amusing for some reason :$ :rolleyes:

VA - you are a star and a half mate, and a big huge ta for getting us back to tonksis in one piece, that was some scary fog, but you were a wicked driver...:cool:

Al - you did such a lovely thing for grad, you almost had him in tears, you are wicked mate and big up to you for doing your break dancing :king:

Big T - top to meet you mate, had a good time gurning wth you on the dancefloor :fekked:

Adam Burton - you grabbed me when I was at my most f**kedest !! and I dont think either of us understood each other !! Lol !! wicked to meet you tho and also Howsey and Liquid E :thumbsup:

Tonksi - what can I say, I love you, you are one of me bestest mates and it was wicked to see you sooo happy :love: Michelle is lovely and I hope she wasnt too overwhelmed with everything :eek: looking forward to the 6th :drum:

Jaxxy - the journey would not be the same wthout you, even tho we'd have some peace !! :p ;) j/j hun - you know I love you really, but I could never live wth you :p ;) :p ;) mwaaah xxxx

and Grad - :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: for absolutely everything, I love you baby and thanx for looking after me when I was ill :) and for driving back after the crash...youre ace :love: :luv: :king:

Apologies to anyone I forgot, it certainly wasnt intentional :$

Also was nice to get to know Kris, Maddox, Holly, Sarah Jayne and Helen better too..

It would have been even better if Flange, Taff, Butty, Woody, Phil, Cookie, Ste and Katie and Alec and Dee Dee were there too...where were you all ????? :(

Sweet over and out at last xxxxx

italian style

New member
Feb 22, 2002
yeah excellent night had from me, glad to have finally met all you peeps, so many of us that went to this 1. m jaxx can not remember what i wnated you to pm me about i think it might of been that trick wiv the fag you showed us can only remember it briefly.
hope to see every 1 at the next gt


Dj M Jaxx

New member
Oct 12, 2001
italian style said:
yeah excellent night had from me, glad to have finally met all you peeps, so many of us that went to this 1. m jaxx can not remember what i wnated you to pm me about i think it might of been

Think it was a tune ID of a record I got or

italian style

New member
Feb 22, 2002
Dj M Jaxx said:
Think it was a tune ID of a record I got or

yeah it might of been but i can hardly remember owt:axe: plus theres quite afew tunes i want iding from gt, any ideas which set it was jaxxy, think i'm gonna by the tapes off ben anyway so i might after get back to ya on that 1 bud;)


Nov 24, 2002
Just want to say a big big big thx to all the DJ's that night for some fuxing right tunage. Been a long time since I had a night like that.

Welly your still banging em out as class as you always have. Keep it comin.....

Ben It was a first hearing you and I must admit you're the one that made me shift my arse to the floor.

Big shout to the rest of ya as well. I knew it would be a top night as soon as I heard the first few tunes. Still rockin now.

The scratchin, well that spoke for itself fooooookin awesome.

Roll on Boxing Day, I can't wait.

Thx again for the best night I've had in a long time.

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