Well, an absolutely top night was had again and its great to see the place really taking off now. Cheers to Ben and Mick for a spot on occasion.
Ben - I only caught the last 20 mins of his set, but it was one of the best Ive heard from him. Fast banging tuneage to really get the night off to a flying start.
Rascal - Well impressed with his set, excellent scratching and the set followd on superbly from where Ben left off.
Welly - What can ya say, I thought he'd be good but this set was even better than I imagined. Ii hadnt heard him play an oldskool set in years (apart from 15 mins at the Cornmill) but sat night he had the place rockin. A typical style from back then with some top choons - M.A.N.I.C. - Im Coming Hardcore, Disco Bros pres Nu Luv - Do It and a top mixture of breakbeat, hardcore and piano. Noice, well looking forward to hearing this guy on a regular basis again.
DJ Rikkee and Andy Pendle - These two finished off the night perfectly, theres nowt worse than listening to a load of banging tunes and then the last dj plays at snail pace but there was no danger of that with this set, Well impressed to hear alot of tunes from the 'Last Night at Sequins' tape - Alot which rarely get played.
Grad and Sweet - Top to see ya both, hpe a both up for the Boxing Day extravaganza!!!!
Jen - That fan of yours COMPLETELY messed with my head, one minute I was sat there 'normal' the next minute im holding that thing going through a major thought crisis over what its doing and how its working and that was it then - A tainted mind for the rest of the weekend!!!
Al - Good to see ya mate, I dont know why I kept thinking you could give me weather forecasts !!
but anyway, I'll hook up with ya for a Shelleys/Illusion night of mayhem.
VA - Hehehehe, once again top to see ya m8. Theres much planning and preparation to go into the razor toothed prototype but I am certain the effort will be worth it. Remember if the police find a big hook in ya boot then tell em your building a ship and started with the anchor.
M Jaxx - I think we covered Cricklewoods bus timetable, Spam factories, peacocks and various other topics. All in all highly educational! ! ! !
my heads working proper slow, this threads took about half an hour already lol so to......
PW, Tonksi and girlf, Dannster (ya mad ed), Cat (keeping the fruit alive posse), Tall Paul, Maddox and anyonoe else it was top to see ya's all and roll on Boxing Night madness. Hehehehehe
The Journey Home - I reckon i would have found it easier doing the Krypton factor assault course than driving through that pea soup stylee fog. Mission completed though.
Top night, top peeps!!!!!!!!!!!