Ok......gonna have a crack at this one....but dont know how much I will manage to get typed....but hear goes
Well we made it to Goodtimes around about 9.15, after having a quick drink in the pub over the road with Al and VA
Ben - set was a wicked mixture of tunes from all areas of the old skool spectrum...and a true blinding set too m8
Rascal - Not heard him play before tonight, and must say, was one of the best sets of the night for me
Welly - Very nice to meet you at last m8, In my days of clubbing I cant remember hearing play much before.... even though I seen your name on many flyers and alot of my friends hold you in high regards.....My God, I can see why now......fecking quality selection of tunes ther m8, I was knackerd and just wanted to sit down, but ever tune was followed whith another and another classic. Dont think I stopped dancing once through that set m8...Hats off to ya fella
Andy Pendal & DJ Rikkee - A nice selection of piano classics ther chaps, and a perfect way to bring the night to a close. The record of your set for me....... Pulse - lover that you are, not sure if it was by the same person, but was a nice uplifting version nether the less.....Nice one chaps
Ps Big thanks too, Andy for playing Rachel Wallace - Tell me why... I always feel like a twat asking for a record, as I know how anoying it can be when you got a set worked out, and somone comes up to you and asks for something you aint got with ya. Its just it was such a good night....It would have not been the same for me whitout such an anthem 
Well after that it was back to cassa dela Tonks for another mad night of antics & codwaffle, to many funny moments to pick at random, so I will post somthing on that one latter....otherwise I could be allnight lolol. I will say though, the trip to the local park (Spornd from one of our many nostalgia chats) was just a classic & the Teach yourself to Breakdance with Al Oldskool A.K.A The Family Guy please see picture bellow for refrance

was just outstanding m8. to do the flares at your age m8 is something to be really pround of fella.....and I am glad to say Sweet Sensation managed to obtain photo evidence of the whole event....wich I am now sure will be enjoyed by many others on the internet.....WATCH THIS SPACE lololol
Once again a wicked night out..with all mi best friends, give yoursels a big pat on the back everyone, for a gob well done
Special shout outs to the following people
Grad and Sweet - Many thanks for everything this weekend....and for the finger rolls for mi Hot Dogs

Viynl Animal - Wicked m8..... Many thanks for the lift, to and from GTs fella ( You are a true friend and superstar Mr) Ps The Clivilles & Cole mix of "A deeper love" mix you are after is ( A deeper feeling mix ) and is on Columbia m8
Tonksi & Michelle - Many thanks as usual to Tonksi for putting us all up for the night, and the wicked breakfast m8, Looking forward to retuning all these very big favors when you and Michelle come down hear on the 6th m8. As for you Michelle...wicked to meet you, you where everything Tonksi told me you was....look forward to seeing you also m8.....Tonksi, look after her m8.....you two look just great for each other 
Al Old skool - Thankyou for beeing you m8, you just had me in stitches of laughter all night ( Fecking quality ) ...you back on solids yet m8 lololol

Adam Burton - Has taht Bus arived yet m8
nice to see you again m8, But the way what was it you wanted me to PM you about again
Big T - Great to see you again too m8, looks like you where struggling a bit towards the end of the night there fella
hope you have recoverd well 
Tall Paul - A nice selection of dance technecs you got ther m8
Dannster - Good to see you again muka ( With or without hats ). Hope you got up in time the next day fella
Princess Warrior & Marcus - BABBBBBBBYYYY, great to see you again my old school chum ( Dont leave it so long next time ) and nice to see you bagged a reeeet Robbie Williams ther babe lololol
Please say hello to Marcus for us, great to see you have met someone really special for you at last dear, he seems like a wicked bloke you got there dear.....make sure you treat him well
Take care....and dont leave it to long to you come and see us all again. I think I speak for eveyone as a whole, when I say things aint been the same without you around 
Ben Fisher - Thanks again for another top night at the disco, I will deffo be up in Halfax early next year for that Booze Weekender with you and Mik. Take care fella 
Howsey & Liquid E - Great to meet you both at last chaps, Im sure you are just gonna fit in fine on our many GT nights....Hope you had as gooda night as I had, and look forward to seeing you both ther again soon......Top Chaps
Cat - Wicked to see you again m8, always have a reeet proper Bo laugh when you are around. Look forward to more mad ones next year 
MC Maddox - Great to see you again m8, lololol when you mentioned you met someone from ComeTogether the other night, then kept me hanging on all night why you rememberd his name lolololol 
Chris, Holly, Shara Jane & John - Always a plesure to meet up with you lot when Im up North, I will get a copy of them pictures e-mailed to you the minute I get them developed. Until then......FINGERS ON LIPS 
Joker - Dont bring that dam fan again.......I have cuts all over my tonge now from trying to stop the blades spinning with it ....WHY you ask......WHY NOT i say 
To anyone I missed....really sorry. just far to many things to remember in one go
Untill next time peep's ......Take care all