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New member
Nov 6, 2002
i am sure to sample Timeless out soon i reckon.:p ;)

Andy [/B]

Me too. on his saturday I hope, if I can sqeeze enough pennies together:S

So I should see some of yerse again soon.

Did no one see wot I did to me nose then?? cos ive scrapped all the skin off it:$

Dear me, I was fair old feckered! I hope I didnt say/ do owt too daft!


Miss C

New member
May 18, 2003
New York
butty said:
aye had a good night - great to see youse lot who i aint seen in a while. miss c u made me laff callin me button! might change me name its got a ring to that hasnt it.

Hehe sorry about that butty! think my hearing was impaired at that point n id 4gotton it was u hun! it does have quite a ring 2 it that tho, suits u. Very nice 2 meet u anyway mr famous osa owner.

Was a pleasure meeting joker aswell-wot a luverly lady-seemed a bit bored wen i spoke 2 u tho chick, soz i dint stop n chat 4 longer i was jst screwing over the fact that theyd run out of bottles of water, outrageous!!!

Retroandy nice 2 c u again m8, hope adji n eddy looked after u back at at his house

Danny, dint even c u in the club but spoke 2 u in the pub the nxt day, glad i finaly know who u r hun!

nowthen, cabbaged on the seat at the back wen i spoke 2 u m8, sorry it was such a brief encounter, was a bit sweaty in that seating area i had 2 escape. but very nice 2 meet u all the same, hope u enjoyed urself

Liquid E- Ey up gorgeous, sorry i hardly spent much time wi u, was jst missioning around, ur set was absoloutley excellent as always xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Italian style-was nice 2 c u n vik, n u actually managed 2 get some words out unlike usual wen ur spakkered. hope uve managed 2 clean that guys piss up from ur couch mate, speaking of piss...where was it yours ended up again????hehe, sorry i couldnt resist x

zaccster-nice 2 meet u darlin, even tho it was only a hello, eddy was jst whizzing me round every1 introducing me so i dint av time2 chat-so sorry 2 all the others that ive 4got coz i now ive 4got loads xxx:p :p :p

Ben-fanx 4 a great nite, set was tops, wot more can i say..

Maddox- absoloutley wicked m8!! 'wakey wakey rise and shine' hehe, was jst buzzin off u all nite

GT man-is fit.

Tall paul, you are ace, ur smile is contagious hun, sorry 2 say i missed ur set, never again x

god knows who else was there but hope u all had as gooder night as i did xxx
Anyway, till nxt time ppl


New member
Nov 6, 2002
Miss C said:

nowthen, cabbaged on the seat at the back wen i spoke 2 u m8, sorry it was such a brief encounter, was a bit sweaty in that seating area i had 2 escape. but very nice 2 meet u all the same, hope u enjoyed urself

Hehe! thats ok an to my total embarissment, Im afraid I don't even remember:$
As yer could tell, me head was a bit sideways!!

No probs , I'm sure we'll bump into each other again at some point!


New member
Jul 18, 2001
West Yorkshire
I didnt much car for the scratch thingy - tooooooooo hard house for me :$

Got me fill of big choons though :thumbsup: thanks to tall paul, andy p and Liquid E (HUGE respect btw mate, some folk tend to forget that tunes were available pre 1991 ;) )

Big shout to Ben & Mick for another belter - and nice work for pointing the bouncers in the direction of the hooligans (I'll not say where they were from in case one of em reads this :| lol)

Could do with the doors opening on time though gents :cry: I was quite happy waiting but the 2 iccle people in me belly had other ideas :eek:


Aug 20, 2001
Yeah - was a very a good night - good venue - dont know what happened to the sound when Ben came on - but I think i bust an eardrum!

I agree with chip butty 'bout the Faithless & ravin' i'm ravin' tunes which were played - the raving i'm raving one is, quite frankly, embarassing - and the Faithless track does not really fit into the oldskool genre........:confused: :confused: IMHO

Butty also confessed to:

"knowing how it feels to take it up the wrongun by a large black fella!!" PMSL:S

Music wise - I was most impressed with Tall Paul & Liquid E - they played stuff which differed from the norm and was good to listen to. - some shit played there that I havent heard for eon's!


New member
Apr 24, 2002
lol i was going to ask butty to play that raving im raving tune at the next maximes.i meant to last month but forget.

i guess thats a no then butty.


Staff member
VIP Gold Member
Bring it on!!

Ben & Mik...

Boyz, what can I say apart form this has got to be one of the Best G.T. Nights ever!!

Ben, Fanx for having me and my mental mates in your house!! heehee

Cat & Jen, Thanx for looking after me all night!! Appreciated!!

Zack You and your bro need to Big Up yer chest's for both being so "God Damm Kool" hee hee (Matey, you didn't tape 24 did yer? Passed out about 15mins before it started and I'm gutted!! :( )

Martin, ha-ha Glad you got back.. Again Minus your car!! ha-ha I really would have taken you to the train station!)

Bruv, again you were "Bad Ass" keep it up, and all the Very Very Old Bowlers, Life Krew!! You know where it's back at!!

S-J xx :luv:

Dj Ben Fisher

New member
Jul 15, 2001
flange said:

I agree with chip butty 'bout the Faithless & ravin' i'm ravin' tunes which were played - the raving i'm raving one is, quite frankly, embarassing -

you may have thought so mate .. now i personally think the tune is cheesey as fek , BUT did you see the dancefloor when it got dropped ???!!??? it got one of the biggest rections from any tune durin the night .. that and ultrasonic .. cheese works you gotta play summat for eveybody innit and a hell of a lot of peeps love cheese ... and if it brings the crowd up then its gotta be played ..

and insomia ??? fuk me man this was a massive tune ... at bowlers . tis wearin a bit thin after all this time but its still a tune and an other dancefloor monster ..

Eddy Osborne

New member
Sep 4, 2002
VinylAnimal said:
and Liquid E (HUGE respect btw mate, some folk tend to forget that tunes were available pre 1991 ;) )

Cheers m8:thumbsup: i see them as marmite me when played in a club cos peeps either love them or hate them,fortunatly it seemed like a lot of people were enjoying as i saw a lot of people singing along to them which was mint!


Active member
Jul 22, 2002
London, UK
as regards 'faithless - insomnia'........i too think it doesnt quite fit into this genre we know as 'old-skool'.........but i have to admit that one things for sure, i was on the very top balcony when that dropped and it took the roof off..........normally i wouldnt give it a second chance but on the nite that got the biggest reaction...........reminded me of being at tall trees on the balcony 4/5 years ago. (all this besides it was about the only tune i could remember being played after liquid e's set:crazy: :S )

Miss C

New member
May 18, 2003
New York
Does anybody else know that guy called 'slim' who was there, he used 2 go 2 bowlers, n the cornmill n comes 2 GT's, he's the one that always does robotic dancing, n he's always there on his own, got black hair, dark skinned???


Active member
Jul 22, 2002
London, UK
yup i know him.................i see him at every goodtimes without fail, hes always there.........tacky looking muscly fella with chains and the sort:eek: he walked past us and had a chat when we were gettin the taxi home.........then him and his 4 mates preceded and kickin off with the (dare i set it - no better not) coloured people of huddersfield:eek:


Active member
Apr 4, 2002
Danny said:
yup i know him.................i see him at every goodtimes without fail, hes always there.........tacky looking muscly fella with chains and the sort:eek: he walked past us and had a chat when we were gettin the taxi home.........then him and his 4 mates preceded and kickin off with the (dare i set it - no better not) coloured people of huddersfield:eek:

How the hell did you remember that mate. My mind is blank from 11 o clock onwards:S :p


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