got a great story i just heard

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Sep 6, 2001
north west london
my friend just told me this about his brother. Now his brother is well money and hysterical, confident and quite good looking. so there's your background.

He's at uni and they were giving away some pc's. By the time he got there all that were left were shit old ones. So he took six of them and stacked them in his room. When his mates would come and say what's this shite in the corner he'd say "i'm building a time machine." AND THAT WAS THAT until he's in a club about a week later absolutely plastered and starts chatting up this gorgeous girl. Eventually conversation strays to his 'time machine' She says bollox have u got a time machine and he says I have and I'll tell you whats more "I don't even have to talk to you." She says what are u talking about he says 'i've seen the future and it's you and me in that corner in fifteen minutes going for it." He then walks off to the bar. Has a pint checks his watch when he has two minutes to go he goes and stands in the aforementioned corner. A mate comes up to him and goes 'what the f**k u doing?' he says 'ssshhhh it's the time machine it's working. Theres a gorgeous girl about to walk up and snog me in a minute' The mate says 'i'm seriously worried about you. He says shut up and go and stand over there. The clock ticks.... 30 seconds to go he sees the girl. Ten seconds to go she's approaching she walks over he holds up his hand in a mock block so to speak. The seconds count down he starts snoggin her and his mate just stands there open mouthed.

Made me chuckle