graeme parks 30th birthday party hac

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New member
Jan 13, 2011
Openshaw East Manchester
do any of you guys/ladies have any remanisinces of this night? it was supposed to end at half 3 in the morning, but we were kicked out at half 1 due to some 1 trying to let their mates in though the fire escape doors. i can remember dancin away thinking f*ckin tune, ding ding ding ding ding ding. whats this tune? turns out to be the fire alarm going off! still think it would make a top tune . happy days


New member
Mar 23, 2006
Remember the night well, and it wasn't the 1st time or the last I/we got kicked out of the Hac early, with the fire alarm trick:naughty: they used to do it occasionally for one reason or another, but can remember this one in particular as we'd made the trip over only for it to be spoilt by the fire alarm, can remember hanging around outside for ages in the vein hope of getting back in.......... not a chance.


New member
Jan 13, 2011
Openshaw East Manchester
i too had loads of experiences of either being dobbed out early ,or paul conns just not letting us in ,going to the back of the que & him letting us in 20 mins later. still cant figure out if he let us in just out of persistance or sheer forgetfullness. :D