Oh my God i love these fatty little shits that masquerade in my gob as heaven. You can get lots of kinds, i have had the souffle ones that you pop in the oven and they go all impressivly tall- they're nice but not as ace as the chocolate pot ones. If you shove one (or two- or three if you are a greedy biatch like moi) in the micro for a few secs the middle melts and goes all gooey whilst the outside stays sorta firm and velvety.
Anyone had any of the other kinds? As they are a lttle pricey at £2.50 for two, i am a reluctant to but the others incase i don't like them. That ammereto one looks shit hot
Anyone had any of the other kinds? As they are a lttle pricey at £2.50 for two, i am a reluctant to but the others incase i don't like them. That ammereto one looks shit hot