lesley said:
ah Leyland - the only place to see and be seen
I think his folks may have moved that kind of way - they certainly stayed in the Chorley area.
I don't wanna hijack your thread here but as an aside I saw Derren Brown last week in London - the bloke who does those Mind Control shows on Channel 4. He was filming tricks in this Pret-A-Manger coffee place and they let us stay in to watch when they locked the doors. The main trick was these 6 cups half full of water - he turned his back, this girl had to choose one of the cups to stick loads of fairly liquid in (number 1 as it turned out), then they put the lids with straws on them all (the trick being he was gonna guess from body language or whatever which one she'd put it in and then drink from all of them apart from that one). Anyway he turns back round, picks up number 1 straight away and takes a big suck - he face became dead alarmed, he spat out all this soapy water all over the table and says "no one ever picks fucking one" - classic. So they started the trick over again and he got it wrong again!
It doesn't bode particularly well for when he's going to play russian roulette on live TV. The bloke's gonna blow his brains out!