As i could not be arsed to get my car fixed lol and just got a new one, i phoned up this bloke out of the pap to collect my old one. He is reet gypo, and he just turned up with the WHOLE family in his big lorry thang to collect my car. He talked all pikey lol, i couldnt tell what he was saying- i am poz he was making words up as he went along. So he tries to start up my car to drive it on the lorry, owww the shame- that baby ain't g'wan nowhere! So get this, it was like a scence from an action film. The lorry had major 'transformer' skillz, he fiddled inside and out came a fuck off huge metal arm with an evil hook! He lifted my car up say 15 feet in the frigging air, spun it around and then lodged on the back of his van! All the time his pikey wife is climbing all over my car, hanging on whilst is was flying through the air! She climbed off, they mutterd some unfathomable words to each other and wow, the arm turned into crusher and started to just break my car right there and then! I felt like crying, it was so sad to see. The kids were just hanging out the van skenning me out the whole time. So they they just drive off (singing gypo folk songs) leaving broken class all over the road!
Also, completly random but not worthy off its own thread, anyone seen a cats penis? Lol our adolescent cat Pedro was on Jonno's lap the other night, doing that weird feline moonwalk they do. Then Jonno says he feels a wet patch and shoves Pedro off, and low and frigging behold he (Pedro obv, not Jonno) has a little erection! Lol Jonno had kitty jiz on his jeans and had to get changed, he was horrified but could i stop laughing, could i fuck.

Also, completly random but not worthy off its own thread, anyone seen a cats penis? Lol our adolescent cat Pedro was on Jonno's lap the other night, doing that weird feline moonwalk they do. Then Jonno says he feels a wet patch and shoves Pedro off, and low and frigging behold he (Pedro obv, not Jonno) has a little erection! Lol Jonno had kitty jiz on his jeans and had to get changed, he was horrified but could i stop laughing, could i fuck.