There once was a Doctor called Hux
Whose medical speciality was getting fuct
He'd drink like a horse
For anaesthetic purposes of course

and get some reet funny looks
Dancing around like a loon
Shaking his fists at the moon
Wearing his Mr Happy coat as a cape
Gettin up to all sorts of japes
But dont let him perform surgey, you'd be doomed
He'd Operate with a spoon
and swill the wounds with Cointreau if theres any left in the room
and you'd probably go into shock on the table
and he'd be too busy to help as he's dressed up as a woman called Mabel

(lol, ok , poetry obviously aint my strong point, i'm more Mr Kipling than Rudyard Kipling..)
Aww Happy Birthday Doc , hope you have a suitable weird day and your wonderful lady spoils you

Ace to see you both last weekend and hopefully we'll get another catch-up real soon. Hope its a belter :alcohol: