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VIP Gold Member
Re: Re: vertigo

sweet sensation said:
Sounds cool :cool: the guy is amazing, I love him :love: :eek: :$ :p ;)

I will deffo be there for his next venture :thumbsup: but Im very tempted with the quad reunion night too.....ooooh bloody hell too many nights to choose from :crazy:

Hya Sarah,

Hope your Both settled now???

We was absolutley Blown away with this place and him!!! You really will have to visit!!! Unbelievable!!!!

S-J xx:D
Re: Re: Re: vertigo

S-J said:
Hya Sarah,

Hope your Both settled now???

We was absolutley Blown away with this place and him!!! You really will have to visit!!! Unbelievable!!!!

S-J xx:D

We're sorta settled, still have bags and boxes everywhere, but its livable in lol ! We even put a tree and some decs up the other day :D

I really want to go to this night, but am wondering how difficult is it going to be to get taxis on the night and how much are they going to be :eek:

We may have to wait till the next one :cry:


Staff member
VIP Gold Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: vertigo

sweet sensation said:
We're sorta settled, still have bags and boxes everywhere, but its livable in lol ! We even put a tree and some decs up the other day :D

I really want to go to this night, but am wondering how difficult is it going to be to get taxis on the night and how much are they going to be :eek:

We may have to wait till the next one :cry:

Hya Love...

Awww Dead glad your "Sorrta" getting there!! :D

I'll speak to Dannster and Co and I should imangine that we will be able to sort something out between us all!!

Cause you Really Really Do need to experience this!! :drum:

See You Sat!! S-J xx

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