I'm amazed that I was straight headed the whole night
Got to say thanks to sweet sensation for the liftage, was great to see you again, not seen you for what seemed like ages
and good to have a chat with ant as well, while I had the ability to talk properly!
Really enjoyed the music there, great sets by all, although I did feel a bit alien on the dancefloor like, as there weren't many people in, I kinda felt a bit under the spotlight, and wasn't feeling as easy to let myself go lol :$
Was great to find out Super Freaks name, or rather put the name to the face, as seen you loads at hazy and just never know who you were! lol
(I reckon you should stick with the name, think it's top meself like!)
Good to see Danny C out again, and I'm glad I didn't offer you anything lol (eek, stay away from jammer with his weird things lol)
Pot Mash, not seen you in ages, top to have a chat with you as well.
Cano, (pron Caaano I'm sure you said) excellent to meet you properly and have a chat, you're a sound guy (haha, sound guy, funny) and imo you're attitude to everything is spot on
Mart and Dreamgirl & all other hazy crew, thanks so much for coming over, was lovely to see you all again, and enjoy the wonders of your boxes (oeerr) haha.
Sully, the maximum respect to you mate, as you were smiling the whole night, and I understand that you could so easily be very despondant and let it get you down, but you were in great spirits, and that is something special I reckon, a shame that Oldham just aren't ready for a great night, it's their loss at the end of the day, you tried, and respect for doing so.
I hope your next venture comes off for you, and I'll be there to offer support and help whenever you need it
Was a good venue I thought, sound system was booming, just perfect for the tunes everyone was playing, and the laser from hazy went down well, esp in the mirrors! (eh? super freak hehe)
As I say, amazed that I was straight headed, but really enjoyed myself, thanks again everyone