Heyho from ICELAND!!!!
Only just had chance 2 post a review of this night. Was a great night in the club but it seemed to fly by completley, but there were a few ppl who made my night what it was,
top of the list hikky b n superdan, u 2 were so much fun, ive never met a pair of more hardcore b*stards than you, tuesday wasnt it that you finally got to bed...quality guys!
Dannster, you were so bloody funny, me n ed have been watchin the vids of u back on our phones constantly since, the grape stories (soundest bunch ive ever met, right down to the leaves...lol) the getting eaten by the monkey puzzle tree... the arnie impressions... the gold boob tube... the aztec dancing... just everything mate. oh, and i im an expert at jenga now thanks to yours and others enthusiasm for the game!
N just everyone, all the girls...so sweet, getting dressed up in fairy wings etc, the grass skirts worked a treat too - vee u were a great host, love the pink girly bedroom aswell
Shoomster, those snores...what can i say...u were hilarious without even being awake
Sarah, thanx for finding my bracelet n being such a star all night as usual, edz mum bought me that bracelet so i shat em when i realised id lost it u c
Great to meet new ppl, cam n wafc n cano, hope 2 c more of u guys in future
VA - classic bollox chatting entertainment as always
Anyway everyone was on top form. Gotta get back to the icyness of iceland now (me n ed r here for his bro´s wedding), so see u all soon. N someone hurry up n post a review of goodtimes, gutted i missed it so dying to know what went on...
bye 4 now!