help needed off SERIOUS pc dos heads

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Active member
Sep 6, 2001
north west london
installed a trial firewall I think Myk reccomended and was pretty shocked to see I am being attacked all the frigging time. It comes up saying 'attack alert port scanned' and gives their IP address. I was wandering what I can do in dos (ie:- ping and whois etc) to find out who they are and maybe give them some grief back. Cheers guys


Active member
Jul 9, 2002
As far as I understand most of the "attacks" are innocent communications between telecom services. Not 100% sure. If you have Norton Firewall your can trace the attack and get information.

blue jammer

New member
Dec 9, 2003
Most you'll find are legit.

Example, if you have your e-mail client open, every time it scans for e-mail it'll show activity, are you seeing it in a real time report? maybe you can switch that off so it doesn't flash up every now and then. If it's Zone Alarm, not sure how to do that, but it'll be in the options/prefs somewhere.

I use tiny personal firewall, which works extremely well and doesn't flash every time there is activity :)


New member
white noise

loads of your pings will be normal (white noise) i run zona alarm and it can be set to only show high rated attacks on my system . there are programs which u can get which will return the attacks .but if u get caught using them u will have your internet service withdrawn .but most are invisable and not easy to detect.depends on how much u want to get whoever it is back


New member
May 7, 2003
crumpsall manchester
mate do you use Mirc at all. if you do then someone could be tryin to hack into your pc, if they are then you prolly wont be able to give them any grief back because they;'ll know how to stop you doing so. bastards they are, i had a few ip's hittin me a lot a while ago. got onto a bloke my mate knows an he scanned there ports an tried to fook there pc up. dunno if he managed it, he might still be tryin lol. good luck anyway. an if you do find out who it is tell em to fook off and get a life sad c@nts