hey, im mitch, im 18 and I've been a houseaholic for 4 years
Ridiculously glad I found this website, I've always wanted to bring the spirit of old skool to my generation and with your help I may just be able to do so, I would eventually like to hold my own free party in the country somewhere, I've got a venue idea, but i'd like help on how the old raves worked, any details on how to avoid the police, organise it all, etc
Ridiculously glad I found this website, I've always wanted to bring the spirit of old skool to my generation and with your help I may just be able to do so, I would eventually like to hold my own free party in the country somewhere, I've got a venue idea, but i'd like help on how the old raves worked, any details on how to avoid the police, organise it all, etc