No more sex for me as a crazy 20 something, oh no. Thats it. Might as well have 'Old Person' tattoed on head. I am 30 on sat and i have no chance of getting it in again before then. When i informed my boyfreind after frantic sesh that that was probs the last time he would ever have some young thing under 30 again he looked really startled and sad the cheeky shit. He did try to cheer me up by saying 'hey dirty thirties whoo hoo' but frankly it was done in such a lewd way i felt perhaps he had some Wayne Rooney style fetish for grannies.
It's not that i mind being 30, i just quite liked the phrase 'in my twenties'.
I used to work for this Greek guy when i was 16, and he got a little fresh with me once over the kebab stand. I remeber thinking 'urghh, get of you are practicly an OAP'. Thing was he was 30, which then was like middle age to me.
It has not bothered me at all for months, then today i am all weird about it. I am sure i have loads more wrinkles, my breasts are a little more southern and my eyesight have gone terrible today.
It's not that i mind being 30, i just quite liked the phrase 'in my twenties'.
I used to work for this Greek guy when i was 16, and he got a little fresh with me once over the kebab stand. I remeber thinking 'urghh, get of you are practicly an OAP'. Thing was he was 30, which then was like middle age to me.
It has not bothered me at all for months, then today i am all weird about it. I am sure i have loads more wrinkles, my breasts are a little more southern and my eyesight have gone terrible today.