Surely somebody on here has ran or knows a bit about pirate radio.
I am looking for the cheapest way possible to set up a pirate radio but I haven't got a clue where to start. What transmitter to buy etc.. can anybody help?
this might be useful....
How to be a FM Radio Pirate
me and a few pals had a pirate station in 88, Paradise FM 105
transmitter wise 100watts is good you'll get a fair area covered with that. Transmitters as far i know are illegal, well they were when we had ours so you need to build one yourself or find some who knows how to you also need to get the aerial cut to a specific lenght if i remember correctly, not upto date with law and legislation about pirates these days but they were pretty shit hot backin the day hence the DTI shutting us down confiscating ALL of our broadcast equipment and ALL of our tunes taking us to court and fining us
we did not get any of gear or tunes back