i wish i was allowed to swear in here

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Active member
Sep 6, 2001
north west london
f**king bA****d gits. My ps2 has just died. like totally dead. changed fuse on plug nothing. it's gonna cost me £65 to get a replacement but the worse thing is it has gta vice city stuck in it and i won't get that back for two weeks. My ps2 is essential but being as i have no cash this is a major bloody pain in the arse. I bet they can make these things to last forever like lightbulbs but they don't do they


New member
Oct 25, 2001
nathan said:
f**king bA****d gits. My ps2 has just died. like totally dead. changed fuse on plug nothing. it's gonna cost me £65 to get a replacement but the worse thing is it has gta vice city stuck in it and i won't get that back for two weeks. My ps2 is essential but being as i have no cash this is a major bloody pain in the arse. I bet they can make these things to last forever like lightbulbs but they don't do they

F***in Sh***er that 1 same happened to me nathan , u can pop the front of the disc tray to get ur disc back though(tray just slides out when u hav cover off) won't damage it , an if ur up 2 it its probably only an internal fuse beside transformer. the cost for the fuse will b about 20p from maplins or tandy shop!! If there gonna charge ya £65 anyway u should have a go urself first..
Hope you get it sorted :axe:
