is anyone else as unlucky as me. Went to bed after shaking off the last cold and have woken up with a massive sore throat and cough. I feel like unlucky alf. Take loads of supplements. Just don't get it. well miserable
yep the same thing happened to me, so i coughed dead loud when my boss at work was around and i got sent home.........was off work for a week and still got paid full wages!
Thats well good that right cos at our place they are not allowed to send you home you have to go on your own accord. Must be summat to do with being able to claim off em or summat init
Dont know the exact reasoning but I bet its to do with dosh and liability. Mind you I cud have just made that up The dosh and liability thing lol
GemGem said:
yep the same thing happened to me, so i coughed dead loud when my boss at work was around and i got sent home.........was off work for a week and still got paid full wages!
I didnt have a cold for about 2 years till last week. I mean I get the sniffles but this was an evil cold. Didnt want to get out of bed. More so than on a normal work day lol