Its Health and Saftey gone mad!!!

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Active member
Apr 20, 2006
Pink makes the boys wink....
Right as u all kno H&S is mental nowadays spesh on site like.. Whilst moochin around in the canteen i found these :|

*Check your posture* (ffs lol)


And who the fuck would push anythin like this... Barmy!! :D



Active member
Sep 2, 2003
Dysfunction Junction
whats the graffiti on the top one? just being nosey , like :D

We've strirred up a right h&s hornets nest this week and the boss has right got her arse in her hands over it :rolleyes: i know some of it seems over the top but theres a difference between that and some of the stuff that is just unacceptable..rah rah rah :naughty: :D
and lo and behold , today we had a day of drill noises as they put up fire extinguishers for us :thumbsup:
der-der-der-der-der-der puppy power! :D
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New member
Right as u all kno H&S is mental nowadays spesh on site like.. Whilst moochin around in the canteen i found these :|

*Check your posture* (ffs lol)

View attachment 23372

And who the fuck would push anythin like this... Barmy!! :D

View attachment 23373
health & safety is not a joke benny , i always follow the correct manna when im at work , eg walking across roofs ,standing on chairs to change a light, driving the minibus propa , the health & safety bloke is your AMYS best m8 , ask her lol