Personally I think some of the things said in this thread are offensive and about as far from the truth as is possible.
...........I get asked all the time to do Old Skool nights , and I could make a fair bit of wedge from doing so, as many from my peer group are, BUT it is of no interest to me simply because those days are long gone.
This is not said with any snobbery , or 'been there before you lot' attitude, it's just a personal decison I've made not to return to djing /production. And as such people have got to respect it............same with Sasha. He was not made famous by the Old Skool scene ,he was simply playing the cutting edge records of the time as I'm sure he is now. Some of those records are great , some are cack, but obviously what excites him is moving forwards all the time.
This is an intersting and generally good natured forum which I enjoy having a read of when I've got a moment...........enjoy the music.phones: phones: