jackass live last night !!

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Active member
Sep 6, 2001
north west london
Jesus christ. If you're screamish please don't read on.

Was supposed to start at 7pm but nothing happened until 9 when a dodgy teen angst band came on for 45 minutes and got booed to shit. Eventually Steve O appeared on the stage at 9:50. He's what happened in chronological order

They all snorted salt and vomited on the stage then squeezed whole lemons into their eyes and necked lots of tequila.
Steve-o announces that if it wasn't for all the other shit he'd be very drunk by now. I think he was pretty drunk anyway.
Then he balances a knife on his nose and a step ladder on his chin (pretty impressive)
Then it's gets pretty grim.
He tries to staple his nads to his thighs but the stapler isn't working very well. Then he folds his johnson into it's self and tries what's called a turtle basically folding his scrotum over everything and then trying to staple it again (unsuccessfully) By this stage there is a lot of blood and staples proving hard to get out.
Then it gets worse..... This guy is nuts....... He brakes a lightbulb over his head and then repetitively slices his tongue open with broken glass so there is blood pouring all over him. Then he gets repetitively strangled unconscious.
Later volunteers are invited to punch themselves in the nose til it bleeds and then kicked in the nads by steve pontius. Then Steve o sets fire to his own head. END
oh i almost forgot dave english had a dump off the top of the step ladders

Eddy Osborne

New member
Sep 4, 2002
My brother went to see this live in leeds, and said steve-o has lost it. but he didnt find it very funny infact quite sick especially when hes slitting his tongue and spitting blood everywhere

Liquid E


New member
Dec 21, 2001
I went a few weeks ago
The band that were on where they like some sort of death metal act with singer screaming?
got bottles and shit thrown at em lol

Steve o is class tho
he rocks dude jus the tattoo on his back makes me laff.