Jersey Girl

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Sep 6, 2003
Right, think of the shitest film you have ever seen, then times it by a thousand kerzillion. Then you get Jersy Girl. This film is utter wank in the highest order.

It starts Ben 'thicko extrodinaire' Afflek, who's acting throught makes a remarkable resemblence to that of Cupernol bloke (e.g wooden and mahogany in skin tone). Jennifer Lopez is in it for a brief stint as hard done to beauty of a wife who manages to 'glow' (pardon the perfume, body range blah blah blah pun) through labour, exclaiming a few 'ahhh's', before pulling a bog-eyed expression then dying really gracefully after a feck off huge aneurysm.

Cue lovely Liv Tyler, who although is both excellent to look as at per, and tryes her best with the acting, as the rather predatory (initially), then unbelivably understanding/caring/sensitive/available/just good friends/ you know they are going to get it on eye candy for rest of film.

Total sugary sweet garbage of the yank variety that i implore you not to waste an hour and a half of your precious lives on. Stare at a wall or phone a freind if you have this time to spare. Do not watch this film, it is crap!

Matters were not helped my end by playing 'find the cashew' in my Asda good for you Chicken and Cashew Nut ready meal btw.

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