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I am just arrived back from planet zog and appear to have acquired a jumper on my travels...... oh dear :$ not qute sure how this happened :confused: but it did... anyway if anyone is missing a jumper or knows anyone who is please pm me and I will pop it in the post after I give it a clean....... I will keep it if it isnt claimed within 7 days...lol ;)

Fiona :wave:

PS: Nice to meet up with you all....... ta for all the ciggies (Valentina & Northern)....even though I dont smoke...lol :$ I have never been so ill in my life as I was this morning.. :cry: :cry: jesus I am getting old....cant handle it at all...lol not sure what time I drifted out of Hazy..... :fekked:

I am going to crawl back into my pit and wallow in self pity.... he he he
